Protect and secure files with advanced privacy settings.

Permissions you control

With ResourceSpace, you can always monitor and oversee the viewing and use of your assets. Assess and approve user uploads and downloads, filter content, and generate secure URLs for third party sharing.

Enterprise Single Sign-On

Supporting Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Oracle Directory, OAuth, LDAP and many more, the SAML plugin allows users to log into ResourceSpace using the same credentials that they use to log on to computers on the network of your organisation.

For full details on this plugin, visit the Knowledge Base.

Configure for multiple user privacy

Within ResourceSpace, you can enable multiple users whose resources are kept private from each other. This allows you to create an exclusive environment where collections of assets can be divided from the central hub and given their own restricted access, ideal if you are an individual working across a number of separate client accounts.

To fully partition your ResourceSpace system, instructions can be found in the Knowledge Base.

Manage consent

ResourceSpace helps organisations manage consent efficiently and easily, making sure files are never used incorrectly.

For full details on managing consent, visit the Knowledge Base.