What is an API?

We take a look at the world of APIs, including how they work and how ResourceSpace implements a full RESTful API to enhance DAM functionality.

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Case Study: ResourceSpace + The Ashmolean Museum

We caught up with Christopher Monaghan, Museum Systems Implementation Manager at the Ashmolean Museum, to discuss how ResourceSpace has helped bring their digital asset management processes into the 21st Century. Learn how ResourceSpace and MuseumPlus integration has provided the museum with a seamless workflow and a single source of truth for their digital assets.

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Providing a 'single focal point' for a European conservation non-profit's digital media

We have helped the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) improve their Digital Asset Management processes by implementing ResourceSpace. With ResourceSpace, the SSNC now has a single focal point for their digital media, allowing for easier access and usability. The open-source nature of ResourceSpace also allows for customization to best suit their needs.

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Simplifying File Management with ResourceSpace and IIIF API

Move files seamlessly between platforms with ResourceSpace and the IIIF API. Our DAM platform integrates with systems like TMS and EMu, and allows users to control which resources are published via IIIF. Find out more about our integration and how it can benefit your institution.

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The 6 most important DAM requirements

We understand the importance of having an efficient digital asset management (DAM) system in place to organize and retrieve your growing content. But with each business being unique, it's crucial to select a DAM provider that meets your specific requirements. In our latest article, we discuss the six most important DAM requirements, including scalability, integration with existing systems, and customizability. Don't miss out on getting the full benefit of a DAM system that suits your needs.

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ResourceSpace joins the Spectrum Partner Programme

We're thrilled to be part of the Spectrum Partner Programme, the UK collection management standard used globally. With ResourceSpace's flexibility in metadata and seamless integration with industry platforms like TMS and EMu, we're ready to enhance the DAM experience for museums and heritage organizations.

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Case Study: ResourceSpace's Impact on The Walters Art Museum

We're thrilled to share a case study with the Walters Art Museum, where Kate Blanch, Systems Manager for Data and Digital Resources, praises ResourceSpace for its ease of use and time-saving features. With ResourceSpace, the museum has seen a significant reduction in time spent on digital asset management, as well as improved integration with other software and enhanced shareability. Read the full article to learn more about how ResourceSpace has made a difference for the Walters Art Museum.

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