Fairtrade communications staff around the world really appreciate ResourceSpace. It's proven invaluable as a one-stop for sharing and storing all our images and brand assets. I don't know how we'd manage without it!
30th October 2024
We’ve come a long way since being the first DAM to deploy OpenAI GPT-3 integration back in January 2023.
As well as harnessing GPT-4 for automated metadata creation, OpenAI can now also be used to edit images directly within ResourceSpace:
Powered by DALL-E 2, this added functionality brings the option to edit with AI straight from the resource preview - alongside the existing Image tools.
For image editing you need to have the GPT integration plugin enabled as well as the image editing plugin. To enable these it’s Admin>System>Plugins then search for OpenAI and activate the 'GPT integration' plugin and the 'Image editing' plugins. If you’re a hosted customer that’s all you need to do.
Now you’ll see the new ‘Edit with AI (beta)’ option on the resource preview page.
Next, drag the cursor around any area you’d like to change and add a prompt. For example, the default prompt will back-fill an image for you within the highlighted section.
This can be useful in the event that you’d like to keep using an image but there’s an object, detail, or individual you’d like to remove from it. Once you’re happy with your selection and prompt, click ‘Generate’ to see the results - you can then download your new version or save it in the system as an alternative, depending on your permissions.
As with OpenAI GPT-4 metadata generation, the prompts are infinitely configurable, so the potential applications of this integration are vast.
We’re excited to invite you to start using this feature, and in offering the beta version in advance of its release in ResourceSpace 10.5, we’re looking forward to hearing your feedback!
New to ResourceSpace? Try out the new integration for free here, and get 10GB of cloud storage with no time limit and no need for any credit card details.
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