ResourceSpace has changed the way the DEC uses content, making it much easier for us to quickly make assets available both internally and externally during our emergency appeals.
9th April 2021
The ResourceSpace Digital Asset Management (DAM) platform brings ease and functionality to how your company manages, accesses and collates images in your digital asset library to ensure your marketing material stays on-brand. But have you considered whether the DAM itself is on brand?
Branding is all about communicating your company ethos and message with clarity. But without consistency, your branding can quickly become ineffective. It's here that ResourceSpace has a significant role to play not just by centralising your asset management but also by being on-brand itself. Equipped with a full suite of adaptable features, our DAM allows you to customise fonts, texts and backgrounds within the system to align with the demands of your organisation's brand.
The biggest and most immediate impact can be made by simply uploading your logo and changing the font and colours. This is very simple with ResourceSpace. From the top "admin" menu, choose "System" then "System Configuration". There is an option to replace the header image by simply uploading a new file.
Customising the user interface text
All text throughout ResourceSpace's user interface can be customised by using the Managed Content option from the admin menu. Optionally, youcan do this for multiple languages.
This video shows you how.
With just a few clicks, you can create a slideshow to showcase your best assets and articulate your company's personality, as we demonstrate in this video.