The team at ResourceSpace have been a joy to work with, helping us manage what could've been a really difficult transition every step of the way.
17th January 2022
Academic institutions at all levels of education have been affected significantly by Covid-19. Teaching has been disrupted by lockdowns, teacher and student absence, as well as the sudden pressure to be able to offer remote learning.
Schools, colleges and universities can't rely on antiquated systems any more.
ResourceSpace is Digital Asset Management (DAM) software that many academic institutions across the world rely on for sharing files and images with students, staff and parents. Our users include Virginia Tech, London Business School and Juilliard, but what is it about our platform that's so valuable to them?
"ResourceSpace is an affordable DAM option that provides excellent customer service."
- Laura Willis, KUT Radio, University of Texas at Austin
Can you share your students' success with parents and the rest of the student body easily? A lot of the academic institutions we speak to have the content - but distributing that content to relevant stakeholders is awkward. Since it's not always clear who owns the assets, tracking down the right file is complicated and sourcing the right file format for the intended platform is tricky too.
A DAM system solves these issues and makes sharing content easier than ever before.
Photos and video content can be shared at the click of a button, and it's easy to find the right asset in the appropriate dimensions and file type.
Staff can upload official notifications, students can share their successes, and parents can keep track of their child's achievements. Digital Asset Management is more than simply a repository for assets - it can create an active online academic community.
Academic institutions will often be managing assets that include images of children with strict conditions around consent.
Some assets will be restricted in terms of where they can be published and others will have time limits on how long they can be used for. You'll have to secure permission from parents too, of course. Without a DAM, managing this consent can be very difficult.
ResourceSpace lets you directly associate asset licences with the asset itself so you never lose the document outlining usage permissions and copyright. You can associate a licence to a single asset or a whole collection quickly and easily and all the licences are stored in one location too so you don't have to search for specific assets in order to find the associated documentation.
Sharing files securely is important for every organisation, but especially academic institutions sharing images of children.
ResourceSpace ensures you're sharing the right content with the right audience, while security controls limit reviewing and approval of content to authorised staff members ahead of publication.
This extra level of security means you can also encourage students to upload their own content, saving time without losing control of what's added to the DAM.
ResourceSpace also allows you to share files with external stakeholders securely. You can create password-protected sharing URLs that are also time limited, ensuring only certain people can access the file for a limited period of time.
"ResourceSpace has changed the way the entire archival system operates at Collegiate School. Centuries worth of documents, photos, and videos now all coexist in one database where they are securely stored."
- Jasline Rodriguez, Collegiate School
Want to find out more about why ResourceSpace is the Digital Asset Management platform of choice for schools, colleges and universities? Speak to a member of our expert team or launch your free DAM within minutes.
Simply click below, complete the form and you'll gain instant access to your ResourceSpace instance, with no usage limits or time restriction.