ResourceSpace has changed the way the DEC uses content, making it much easier for us to quickly make assets available both internally and externally during our emergency appeals.
Best practices for building file naming conventions
29th July 2022
Struggling to find files in your storage solution? Implementing a strict set of file naming conventions can help. Keep names short but meaningful, use consistent elements, avoid special characters, and organize logically.
ResourceSpace case study: CARE International
13th June 2017
Discover how ResourceSpace has revolutionized file sharing for CARE International, allowing them to speak with one voice on global issues. With over 21,000 images and 495 users worldwide, ResourceSpace has provided a standardized and comprehensive DAM system for the charity.
3 ways ResourceSpace streamlines marketing workflows
20th July 2016
Streamline your marketing workflows with ResourceSpace's digital asset management. Find files quickly with intelligent search options and benefit from instant file previews. Cut down on time spent resizing and reformatting files with ResourceSpace's automatic generation of smaller sizes and various formats.