Iterative development is a methodology commonly used in software development, including Digital Asset Management (DAM) systems like ResourceSpace. This approach involves breaking down the development process into smaller, manageable segments or iterations. Each iteration typically encompasses planning, design, coding, and testing phases, allowing for incremental improvements and refinements to the software. By focusing on smaller sections of the project at a time, developers can more easily identify and address issues, ensuring a more robust and reliable final product.

In the context of Digital Asset Management, iterative development is particularly beneficial. DAM systems often need to adapt to the evolving needs of an organisation, such as changes in digital asset types, user requirements, or integration with other software. Through iterative development, new features and functionalities can be introduced gradually, tested thoroughly, and adjusted based on user feedback. This ensures that the DAM system remains relevant and effective in managing digital assets over time.

Moreover, iterative development fosters a collaborative environment between developers and stakeholders. Regular iterations provide opportunities for stakeholders to review progress, offer feedback, and make informed decisions about the direction of the project. This continuous loop of feedback and improvement helps to align the final product more closely with the users' needs and expectations, ultimately leading to higher satisfaction and better user adoption rates.

Overall, iterative development is a dynamic and flexible approach that enhances the quality and adaptability of software solutions, including Digital Asset Management systems like ResourceSpace. By allowing for continuous improvement and close collaboration with stakeholders, it ensures that the final product is both functional and aligned with the users' evolving requirements.