Search results
Pending review and submission
ResourceSpace allows users to upload assets to the library with restricted permissions. Members of the General Users group first upload their assets in the 'Pending Submission' state, where they can check and verify the necessary metadata.
Developer reference for function process_custom_fields_submission()
The article discusses checking if a resource file is read-only due to being part of the filestore template threshold. This check is available from version 10.5 onwards. The process involves submitting a resource ID, and the response will be a 200 HTTP status for success or a 400 status for failure.
Contributing to the base code
ResourceSpace welcomes contributions to its base code. The process involves completing a Contributor License Agreement and ensuring familiarity with the Coding Standards. After this, diff patches should be manually submitted via email for review and addition to the base.
All user permissions
ResourceSpace is a digital asset management system that allows users to control which resources other users can see and how they can interact with them. The system offers a range of permission options, including search, metadata fields, resource types, resource creation, featured collections, restrictive permissions, and administration.
Configuring email and messaging
This article provides guidance on how to configure email and messaging settings in ResourceSpace. To change the email address that system emails are sent from, users should navigate to Admin > System > System configuration and change the 'Email from address'.
The article describes the search_get_previews function, which is used to perform a search and return matching resources including URLs for the requested preview sizes. The function takes several variables, including the search string, resource type IDs, results order, archive status, maximum number of rows to return, sort order, recent search day limit, preview sizes, and preview file extension.
StaticSync - keep your files in situ
StaticSync is a tool that allows users to keep their files in situ, meaning that they can remain in their existing folder structure. It is not intended to be used as a way to store resources externally to increase storage capability.
Configuring for multi-client use
The article provides a method for setting up ResourceSpace as an environment where multiple users can use the system, but their resources remain private from each other. The method involves creating a new global field called 'client' that can be attached to all types of resources.
The article provides a function called "create_resource" that creates a new resource. The function requires the ID of the resource type for the new resource, which is an integer value. The archival state of the new resource is optional, and the default value is 999.
Resource status & access
Resource status and access are important factors in controlling how users interact with resources in ResourceSpace. The status of a resource determines whether it can be found or edited by users, while the access controls which users can download the resource.
Useful user permissions
The article provides an overview of user group permissions and how they affect user actions when accessing and interacting with resources. The permissions are divided into different categories, including searching/access, metadata fields, resource types, resource creation/management, collections, and administration.
User contributions
ResourceSpace allows for user contributions to be managed through user group upload permissions. Trusted uploaders, such as administrators, can add resources without review, while new users must upload their resources in a pending state for review by resource administrators.
CSV upload
The CSV upload plugin for ResourceSpace allows users to edit existing resource metadata and create new resources by uploading a CSV file. The plugin is recommended for administrators and users with elevated permissions due to the risk of inserting incorrect data into ResourceSpace.
Advanced workflow
workflow, process, publish, embargo, archive, review,state, status
The article provides a description of the do_search function, which is used to perform a search and return matching resources. The function takes several variables, including the search string, resource type IDs, results order, archive status, maximum number of rows to return, sort order, and offset.
Creating custom reports
ResourceSpace allows users to create custom reports by writing SQL queries. Reports can be created in Admin > System > Reports, and existing reports can be viewed and edited from the same location. Users can create reports that show resources pending submission, and reports that allow date range selection.
Table: resource
The article provides a table of the resource, which is the central record within ResourceSpace mapping to a single asset/file. The table includes various columns such as ref, title, resource_type, has_image, is_transcoding, hit_count, new_hit_count, creation_date, rating, user_rating, user_rating_count, user_rating_total, country, file_extension, preview_extension, image_red, image_green, image_blue, thumb_width, thumb_height, archive, access, colour_key, created_by, file_path, file_modified, file_checksum, request_count, expiry_notification_sent, preview_tweaks, geo_lat, geo_long, mapzoom, disk_usage, disk_usage_last_updated, file_size, preview_attempts, modified, last_verified, integrity_fail, and lock_user.
Custom fields ("user" defined)
ResourceSpace, a digital asset management system, allows users to configure custom fields. These fields can be used to add additional metadata to assets, such as images or documents, and can be used to filter and search for specific assets.
Developer reference for function comments_submit()
Developer reference for function message_remove_related()
Developer reference for function render_custom_fields()
Developer reference for function gen_custom_fields_html_props()
Developer reference for function notify_user_contributed_submitted()
Developer reference for function notify_user_contributed_unsubmitted()
Description Determine whether user is anonymous user Parameters Column Type Default Description bool { : $value]; $value: string $preference "s" * $params; } /** []; // Add action for users who can submit 'pending submission' resources for review if checkperm"e-2" && checkperm"e-1" && checkperm'd' This article was last updated 5th February 2025 09:35 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 29th January 2025 17:10 Europe/London time.
Description Retrieve all user records with the user preference specified Parameters Column Type Default Description $preference string Preference to check $value string Preference value to check for "s" $params; []; // Add action for users who can submit 'pending submission' resources for review ifcheckperm"e-2" && checkperm"e-1" && checkperm'd' Return array Array of user refs with the preference set as specified This article was last updated 8th February 2024 12:05 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 8th February 2024 08:35 Europe/London time.