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The team at ResourceSpace have been a joy to work with, helping us manage what could've been a really difficult transition every step of the way.
3rd March 2023
Discover the difference between Digital Asset Management (DAM) and Brand Asset Management (BAM) in our latest blog post. Learn how BAM can help you maintain a consistent brand presence and increase revenue by 33%. Find out if you need a dedicated BAM system or if your DAM platform can support BAM.
2nd September 2021
ResourceSpace is the ideal Digital Asset Management (DAM) platform for product marketing. With everything stored in a central location, it ensures brand consistency and reduces the chances of using outdated imagery. This eliminates the risk of mismatches between expectation and reality, leading to returns or bad reviews.
17th October 2017
Could DAM software revolutionize your product marketing? Many companies struggle with managing campaign assets and rolling out new materials. By implementing Digital Asset Management (DAM) software, companies can simplify campaign development by centralizing file sharing, standardizing templates, improving feedback processes, and enabling secure collaboration. However, not all DAM software solutions are designed for product marketers, so careful research is necessary.