ResourceSpace has empowered our staff to find and access the content they need independently while allowing us to keep centralised control of assets and metadata.
29th June 2020
The 9.3 release combines significant developments to existing functionality with further usability improvements to make sure ResourceSpace continues to be intuitive and easy to use.
James, our Customer Success Manager, has put together a short video covering the main changes in this release.
Up until now users would need to add resources to a collection in order to batch edit them. In 9.3 we've removed this step. Now it's easy to select specific resources from a search result or collection and edit them there and then - you don't need to add them to a collection first.
A lot of users have requested a resource locking feature so that specific users can check out a resource to work on, safe in the knowledge that other users won't be making changes at the same time. We've introduced a simple 'Lock' button in the Resource Tools section and, provided a user has edit access to that resource, they can check it out whenever they like.
A resource that's been locked can't have its metadata changed, it can't be deleted and it can't be replaced. Alternative files can't be managed when a resource is locked either.
Our CSV import function has been expanded so that it can be used, not only for creating new resources, but for updating metadata for existing resources too. Users can run a metadata export of existing resources on the system, make changes to the data in the CSV, and re-ingest it into ResourceSpace to update the values. There's the option to use your own CSV if you prefer and column headings can be mapped to metadata fields manually. This helps with migrations and means that a large number of assets can be uploaded and have their metadata added afterwards. It also makes it very easy to do especially large batch operations.
One further change we've made is to include 'Access' in the advanced search. This gives users an easy way to find all resources that have been categorised as 'Open', 'Restricted' or 'Confidential'. These tags determine which users can see and download these resources and they're controlled in the user permissions.
Full details of all changes in 9.3 can be found on our version history page.
If you have any questions about this release or our support packages feel free to book a call with a member of the team.