Resource functions
- get_resource_field_data
- create_resource
- delete_resource
- copy_resource
- get_resource_log
- update_resource_type
- get_resource_path
- get_resource_data
- get_alternative_files
- get_resource_types
- add_alternative_file
- delete_alternative_file
- upload_file
- upload_file_by_url
- upload_multipart
- get_related_resources
- resource_log_last_rows
- replace_resource_file
- get_resource_all_image_sizes
- put_resource_data
- update_related_resource
- relate_all_resources
- get_edit_access
- get_resource_access
- resource_file_readonly
Collection functions
Search functions
Metadata functions
User functions
Message functions
Plugin functions
- consentmanager_get_consents
- licensemanager_get_licenses
- consentmanager_get_consent
- consentmanager_delete_consent
- consentmanager_batch_link_unlink
- consentmanager_link_consent
- consentmanager_unlink_consent
- consentmanager_create_consent
- consentmanager_update_consent
- consentmanager_get_all_consents
- consentmanager_get_all_consents_by_collection
Retrieves the access level for the currently logged-in user for a specified resource.
Variable | Description | Data type |
$resource * | Resource ID | integer |
Return values
The access levels returned are:
- 0 = Full Access (download all sizes)
- 1 = Restricted Access (download only those sizes that are set to allow restricted downloads)
- 2 = Confidential (no access)
- 99 = Resource not found
- FALSE = The supplied resource ID was not numeric.