Resource functions
- get_resource_field_data
- create_resource
- delete_resource
- copy_resource
- get_resource_log
- update_resource_type
- get_resource_path
- get_resource_data
- get_alternative_files
- get_resource_types
- add_alternative_file
- delete_alternative_file
- upload_file
- upload_file_by_url
- upload_multipart
- get_related_resources
- resource_log_last_rows
- replace_resource_file
- get_resource_all_image_sizes
- put_resource_data
- update_related_resource
- relate_all_resources
- get_edit_access
- get_resource_access
- resource_file_readonly
Collection functions
Search functions
Metadata functions
User functions
Message functions
Plugin functions
- consentmanager_get_consents
- licensemanager_get_licenses
- consentmanager_get_consent
- consentmanager_delete_consent
- consentmanager_batch_link_unlink
- consentmanager_link_consent
- consentmanager_unlink_consent
- consentmanager_create_consent
- consentmanager_update_consent
- consentmanager_get_all_consents
- consentmanager_get_all_consents_by_collection
Updates the resource properties (not metadata). The API user must have edit access to the resource.
Variable | Description | Data type |
$resource * | The ID of the resource. | integer |
$data * | An associative array of columns/values with which to update the resource properties in JSON form. An example:
{ "geo_lat": 51.6180, "geo_long": -1.51545 } Valid columns are: "resource_type", "creation_date", "rating", "user_rating", "archive", "access", "created_by", "mapzoom", "modified", "geo_lat", "geo_long" Note that "created_by" requires the "v" permission and the configuration "$edit_contributed_by" to be set to true. |
array |