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Exiftool is a third-party tool that allows for the extraction of embedded data within a file and automatically adds it to the resource metadata upon upload. Administrators can configure the fields where the extracted data is placed, allowing for the inclusion of any metadata stored within the file.
Developer reference for function get_exiftool_fields()
Developer reference for function delete_exif_tmpfile()
Description Set resource dimensions using data from exiftool. Parameters Column Type Default Description $file_path string Path to the original file.
Advanced metadata field configuration
This page covers the advanced options for metadata field configuration including display templates, smart featured collections, display conditions, autocomplete options and additional settings for ExifTool and IPTC metadata.
Supported file formats
Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 16385 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 19253 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.
The Complete Guide to Metadata
Metadata is data that provides information about other data, without describing the content of that data. It is crucial for digital assets and is used to categorize and describe various types of files, such as documents, videos, and audio files.
The "get_resource_type_fields" function allows users to retrieve metadata field information for all matching fields. This function is available from version 10.3+ and requires permission "a". Users can filter the results by resource type, fuzzy searching, and field type.
The "upload_multipart" function allows users to upload files using HTTP multipart to an existing resource. This function is available from version 10.2+ of the software. The function requires several variables to be provided, including the ID of the resource, a boolean value to indicate whether to process embedded metadata, a boolean value to indicate whether to re-process the existing file, and the file to be uploaded.
Signing all database PHP code
From version 10.0, any PHP code stored in the database and manipulated via the user interface must be signed using a command line utility. This is to prevent system compromise by a user that has gained administrator access.
The article describes the function 'replace_resource_file' which replaces the primary resource file for a given resource. The function requires the ID of the resource to replace the file for and the file path or URL of the file to use as the replacement.
General installation requirements
ResourceSpace requires a MySQL compliant database, a web server, and PHP to operate on the LAMP stack. The supported versions of PHP are 7.4, 8.0, and 8.1, and the following PHP extensions are required: php-mysqli, php-curl, php-dom, php-gd, php-intl, php-mbstring, php-xml, php-zip, php-ldap, php-imap, php-json, php-apcu, and php-cli.
Installing on Windows Server
The article provides a step-by-step guide to installing ResourceSpace on Windows Server. The instructions include setting up the IIS Web Server role, installing Web Platform Installer to help with PHP and MySQL install, configuring php.
Installing on macOS
The article provides a step-by-step guide to install ResourceSpace on macOS. The installation process involves installing Homebrew, programs, and dependencies, PHP extensions using pecl, enabling PHP in Apache, configuring PHP, creating a database, checking out ResourceSpace, and finishing the installation via a web browser.
Installing on CentOS Linux
The article provides a guide for installing ResourceSpace on CentOS Linux. The installation process involves updating the system, installing MySQL Community Repo, and then installing mysql-server. Other packages that need to be installed include httpd, php, php-dev, php-gd, php-mysql, php-mbstring, subversion, vim, nano, ghostscript, ImageMagick, poppler, antiword, ExifTool, and FFmpeg.
Metadata read/write mapping
ResourceSpace can map between embedded metadata stored in original files and the metadata fields in ResourceSpace itself. This synchronisation can be two-way, so that imported metadata can be automatically extracted into a configured field, but also that metadata added to the resource after import is written back to the file at download.
Metadata report
The article discusses the importance of metadata in ResourceSpace for efficient resource management. It highlights the use of the metadata report to review embedded metadata in resources and map them into ResourceSpace metadata templates.
Uploading files into ResourceSpace is a very simple process, however it is at this stage that you will be adding the metadata that ensures your resources can found and used effectively. It is key that you put as much relevant metadata into the resource fields as possible now to make your contributions as valuable as they can be.
Batch replace
ResourceSpace has a batch replace functionality that allows users to update multiple resources at once. This feature is useful for replacing original files and regenerating previews of any number of resources.
The article provides a function called "create_resource" that creates a new resource. The function requires the ID of the resource type for the new resource, which is an integer value. The archival state of the new resource is optional, and the default value is 999.
Installing on SuSE
The article provides a guide for installing ResourceSpace on SuSE. It directs users to a guide for setting up a LAMP stack with a virtual host for ResourceSpace. The article then lists the packages required for installation and provides a command for installing them.
Installing on Ubuntu Linux
The article provides a step-by-step guide to install ResourceSpace on Ubuntu Linux. The installation process involves installing programs and dependencies, configuring PHP, creating a database, checking out ResourceSpace, finishing installation via a web browser, setting up the cron job for relevance matching and periodic emails, setting the file and folder permissions, and setting up Apache correctly.
The "upload_file_by_url" function allows users to upload a new remote file to an existing resource, replacing any file that is already attached. The function requires the ID of the resource, which must already exist, and the URL of the file to upload.
The "upload_file" function allows users to upload a new local file to an existing resource, replacing any file that is already attached. The function takes in several variables, including the ID of the resource, a flag to process embedded metadata, a flag to re-process an existing file, a flag to automatically rotate images, and the path on disk of the file to upload.
Table: resource_dimensions
The article provides information about the "resource_dimensions" table, which is a part of the ResourceSpace database schema. This table contains additional metrics for a resource, including width, height, file size, resolution, unit information, and total page count for multi-page previews.
Table: resource_type_field
Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 10794 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.
Developer reference for function get_resource_type_fields()
Description Remove metadata field properties during execution lockout Parameters Column Type Default Description $rtf: array [ 'autocomplete_macro' 'value_filter' 'exiftool_filter' 'onchange_macro' ]; : array_flip$props $rtf array Resource type field data structure Return array Returns without the relevant properties if execution lockout is enabled This article was last updated 14th March 2025 16:05 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 13th March 2025 15:45 Europe/London time.
Description Get the definitions for resource_type_field columns, including properties and display configurations. Parameters This function accepts no parameters. Return array An associative array of resource type field column definitions.
Description Returns a signature for a given block of code. Parameters Column Type Default Description $confirm bool true Require user to approve code changes when resigning from the server side.
Description Check if file can be rendered in browser via download.php Parameters Column Type Default Description $path string Path to file Return bool Location include/resource_functions.
Description Get video duration Parameters Column Type Default Description $file_path string Path to video file Return float Location include/resource_functions.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The most frequently asked questions about ResourceSpace, the free and open source Digital Asset Management system.
Developer reference for function replace_resource_file()
Developer reference for function process_edit_form()
Developer reference for function get_page_count()
Developer reference for function update_resource()
Developer reference for function write_metadata()
Developer reference for function stripMetadata()
Developer reference for function display_field()
Developer reference for function get_mime_type()
Developer reference for function collection_download_clean_temp_files()
Developer reference for function collection_download_log_resource_ready()
Developer reference for function collection_download_use_original_filenames_when_downloading()