- Installation overview
- General installation requirements
- Installing on Ubuntu Linux
- Installing on Windows Server
- Installing on macOS
- Installing on CentOS Linux
- Installing via Docker
- Installing on SuSE
- Configuring php.ini
- Configuring Apache
- Configuring the database
- Upgrading
- LibreOffice integration for Microsoft Office previews
- OpenCV (facial recognition)
- Upgrading PHP versions
- Setting up scheduled tasks/cron
- The config file
- Offline job queues
- File integrity checking
- ResourceSpace file storage (filestore)
- Checksums
- Edit access for contributors
- Configuring Leaflet Maps
- Automatic alternative video files
- Signing all database PHP code
- Integrating with Uppy Companion
- The System Configuration page
- Configuring image alternatives
- Minimal preview creation
- Mounting Amazon S3 for external storage
Installing on Ubuntu Linux
Be sure to follow the onscreen instructions during installation, accepting default or relevant options including any additional prompts regarding MySQL and Postfix configuration which arise during the installation process (Use Tab, Enter and Arrow Keys for Postfix Controls). The MySQL password is important later on in the setup process and also for future Root access so take care not to lose or forget it.
Install programs and dependencies
Run the following from the command line
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install imagemagick apache2 mysql-server subversion inkscape
sudo apt-get install ghostscript antiword postfix libimage-exiftool-perl cron wget
sudo apt-get install php php-dev php-gd php-mysql php-mbstring php-zip php-intl php-curl php-dom libapache2-mod-php ffmpeg poppler-utils
Configure PHP
Create database
Log into MySQL as the root user:
mysql -u root -p
Then create the database and database users.
Check out ResourceSpace
cd /var/www/html
mkdir resourcespace
cd resourcespace
svn co https://svn.resourcespace.com/svn/rs/releases/10.5 .
See SVN checkout for more information.
mkdir filestore
sudo chmod 777 filestore
sudo chmod -R 777 include
Finish installation via web browser
Access the server address (e.g. localhost) via a web browser to resume the setup.
Review installation overview to help fix any warnings/errors on the setup page.
Use the resourcespace_rw user as the "MySQL username" and resourcespace_r user as the "MySQL read-only username".
Set up the cron job for relevance matching and periodic emails
Please refer to Setting up scheduled tasks/cron
Set the file and folder permissions
Change the permission for the include folder to 750
sudo chmod -R 750 include/
Set the user group for all files to be www-data
cd ..
sudo chgrp -R www-data resourcespace/