Advanced metadata field configuration

This page covers the advanced options for metadata field configuration beyond what is covered in Configuring metadata fields, Basic metadata field configuration, and Indexing.

IPTC Equiv.

When using the built in PHP IPTC functionality (i.e. when NOT using ExifTool) this defines the mapping of IPTC keywords to this field. See Metadata Read/Write Mapping for more information.

Display template

Allows alternative HTML to be used for the resource view page. You can use the placeholder text [title] and [value] to refer to the Title and Value of the field. See the Caption field for a working example.

NOTE: If the template value is a url then use the placeholder [url] instead of [value].

Value filter

Allows the transformation of $value with a php code snippet, which will modify the display of a field value in search display fields, resource view, and contact sheet text. Useful for example, when transforming number options into words, rearranging or reducing comma-separated lists or modifying date format.

Note that any changes to this value must be followed by a command line execution of the "pages/tools/resign_all_code.php" script.

Tab name

From v10: Select a system tab location. Metadata field will be displayed on that tab on the view page and edit/upload page (if $tabs_on_edit enabled).

If at least one field is placed on a tab, then any unassigned fields will automatically be placed on the "Default" (ref #1) one.

Before v10: Allows fields to be split over multiple tabs. Leave blank to disable the tab functionality. If you do use tabs you must provide a tab name for EVERY field and the fields must be ordered so that those on the same tab are next to each other, if not multiple tabs will appear for a given tab name.

Smart theme name

Enter the name of a smart theme to automatically create a new folder under the featured collections area. Intended for fixed list type metadata fields only, each option within the field will generate its own collection within the smart theme, containing resources tagged with that option. See Customising Types and Fields and Smart_Themes

ExifTool field

When using ExifTool, this is where you will configure the mapping between XMP/IPTC/Exif metadata and the field. Many different metadata formats and file formats are supported. If multiple fields are given, the field furthest to the right will be used if the corresponding value is set.

Many embedded data tags overlap e.g. XMP and IPTC can both store 'Keywords'. You are able to specify the namespace of the specific tag that you want to extract. See Metadata Read/Write Mapping for more information.

Note that any changes to this value must be followed by a command line execution of the "pages/tools/resign_all_code.php" script.

FITS field

FITS (File Information Tool Set) is the library ResourceSpace can use to extract technical metadata from different types of files. It requires JAVA to work (at least version 1.7). For more information please go to FITS (File Information Tool Set).

Please note: FITS will overwrite any metadata extracted by ExifTool.

Anyone setting these will have to be aware of FITS XML output in order to be able to map these correctly. For example, the admin wants to map the bitRate to a field, this is how FITS mappings might look: video.bitRate. The more complex setting is when some metadata are under more levels deep (e.g: bitRate which can be found under either video/bitRate OR video/track of type video/bitRate OR video/track of type audio/bitRate) in which case we set a rule like video.track[@type="video"].bitRate.

ExifTool filter

Here you can set PHP code to modify extracted exiftool $value upon import into the database. This should be used with care as some metadata fields will be looking for specific values upon writeback. Although it can be used to change words, by default it is used to translate the filesize in the File Size field to bytes, so that that field can be sorted consistently. In the case of filesize, this modified value doesn't actually write back via exiftool since it is simply a property of the file.

Help text

If specified, this text will appear in a box under the field when the field has focus. For checkbox fields and other fields that do not have focus functionality the help box will always appear.

Display as dropdown

Display as a dropdown on the advanced search page.

External user access

When sharing using an external share (no login needed, and a '&k=' value in the shared URL), should this field be displayed?

Autocomplete macro

PHP code that is executed to produce a default value.


    • Setting the expiry date (or any date time field) 3 years in the future from now.
return date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime('+3 year'));

Note that any changes to this value must be followed by a command line execution of the "pages/tools/resign_all_code.php" script.

Hide when uploading

Allows the field to be hidden on the resource upload form only, and still be displayed elsewhere such as the edit and view screens.

Hide when restricted

Specifies that the field should be hidden when access to the resource is 'restricted' for the current user.

Omit when copying

Specifies that the field should not be copied when using the resource copy function.

Display condition

This means that a field will only appear if a certain condition is met. The conditioning field being checked must be one of the fixed types: dropdown list, checkbox list, radio buttons, dynamic keyword or category tree. The field being conditioned can be any field type. This field can still be set to 'required' and will just be exempted from the check if the display condition is not met. As an example: 'shortname=value1|value2' or 'shortnamea=validoptiona;shortnameb=validoptionb1|validoptionb2'.

A real world example would be for a 'region' field, which would only be displayed if a field with the shortname 'product' was set to 'DVD' or 'Blu-Ray'. i.e. 'product=DVD|Blu-Ray'.



On change macro

PHP code that is executed whenever the field's value is changed.

Note that any changes to this value must be followed by a command line execution of the "pages/tools/resign_all_code.php" script.

Sort method

By default fields used to order search results will be ordered alphanumerically. 

(10.6+) An alternative sort method to sort by dot notation can be selected to be used when ordering by this field. This will order results based based on each section as denoted by . characters.

For example 123.123 will be ordered after 23.123 as 23 is smaller than 123. Also values with prepended letter characters will be ordered first, i.e. ab34.23, cd85.01, 12.86.