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File functions
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Database functions
Metadata functions
Resource functions
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Tab functions
Test functions

Table: resource_type_field

Metadata fields.

refint(11)Auto incrementing index
namevarchar(50)Metadata field short name identifier
titlevarchar(400)Metadata field name
field_constraintint(11)Apply constraints to field (e.g number)
typeint(11)Field type. See include/definitions.php
order_byint(11)Metadata field order defined by administrators.
keywords_indexint(11)Set if values of this field should be indexed.
partial_indexint(11)Allows searching and matching algorithms to check only parts of this field values.
globalint(1)Set to 1 if field is applicable to all resource types. If set to 0 then mappings are stored in resource_type_field_resource_type. Replaces the old resource_type column.
resource_columnvarchar(50)Points to a resource table column to keep it up to date. Deprecated?
display_fieldint(11)Determines if a field is visible on the resource view page
iptc_equivvarchar(20)IPTC codes for extracting embedded metadata. See
display_templatetextCustom HTML display template
requiredint(11)Mark field as mandatory.
smart_theme_namevarchar(200)Generate featured collections based on the values of this field
exiftool_fieldvarchar(200)Exif values for extracting from embedded metadata.
advanced_searchint(11)Display on advanced search.
simple_searchint(11)Display on simple search.
help_texttextHelp text shown when having focus of field in edit/upload.
display_as_dropdownint(11)Display field as a dropdown selector.
autocomplete_macrotextMacro used to autocomplete field if when saving it's empty (ie no value)
hide_when_uploadingint(11)Do not show when uploading
hide_when_restrictedint(11)Do not show when restricted access.
value_filtertextPHP code snippet which allows the transformation of $value to modify the display of a field value in search display fields or resource view.
exiftool_filtertextPHP code to modify extracted exiftool $value upon import into the database.
omit_when_copyingint(11)Specifies that the field should not be copied when using the resource copy function.
tooltip_texttextText that will appear in simple/advanced search when the cursor hovers over the field.
regexp_filtervarchar(400)Regular expression used to add constraints on the values input to the field.
display_conditionvarchar(400)Adding dependencies on other field values for displaying the current field.
onchange_macrotextPHP code to be executed when updating the field value.
linked_data_fieldtextUsed for date range fields
automatic_nodes_orderingtinyint(1)If 1, nodes get ordered by translated names, otherwise uses the order_by column.
fits_fieldvarchar(255)FITS values for extracting from embedded metadata.
personal_datatinyint(1)If 1, field may contain personal data.
include_in_csv_exporttinyint(1)If 1, field can be included in CSV exports.
browse_bartinyint(1)Set to 1 to show field in the browse bar
read_onlytinyint(1)Set to 1 to make field read-only and not write back to the file on download.
activetinyint(1)Set to 1 to have field active, 0 to be disabled.
full_widthtinyint(1)Set to 1 to have the field be displayed full width on the view page.
tabint(11)Reference to a system tab. See the "tab" table.
complete_indexint(11)Index field values as one unbroken keyword. Incompatible with partial indexing.

Default contents are as follows.

1keywordsKeywords - Other96010112#0250IPTC:Keywords,Subject,XMP:Keywords1001000011100
9extractDocument extract170001



12dateDate490101creation_date12#0550DateTimeOriginal,IPTC:DateCreated,XMP:DateCreated000100if ($value!=''){$value=nicedate($value,false);}011100






29personNamed person(s)97010110XMP:PersonInImage,XMP:People100100111100
51originalfilenameOriginal filename0100101file_path10100110011100
52cameraCamera make / model0160000010Model100110011100
72textExtracted text51100010



73subjectKeywords - Subject230101101001000111100
74eventKeywords - Event250101101001000011100
75emotionKeywords - Emotion240101101001000011100
76framerateFrame Rate0010010framerate1001000011100
77videobitrateVideo Bitrate0010010videobitrate1001000011100
78aspectratioAspect Ratio0010010aspectratio1001000011100
79videosizeVideo Size0000010imagesize1001000011100
81channelmodeChannel Mode0010010channelmode1001000011100
82samplerateSample Rate0000010samplerate1001000011100
83audiobitrateAudio Bitrate0010010audiobitrate1001000011100
84recognisedKeywords - Recognised0901001010010000011100
85landmarkKeywords - Landmark0901001010010000011100
86accessibilityalttextAccessibility - Alt Text00000010AltTextAccessibility10Enter text describing the appearance of the image from a visual perspective, focusing on details that are relevant to the purpose and meaning of the image. A maximum of 250 characters can be entered.01000^.{0,250}$0011100
87accessibilityextendAccessibility - Extended Description1000010ExtDescrAccessibility10Enter the text describing the appearance of an image from a visual perspective, focusing on relevant details that further describe the meaning and purpose of the image.010000011100

Please see the schema overview for context. This document was last updated on the 14th of March 2025 at 12:35 (Europe/London time).