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Developer reference for function check_date_parts()
Do you need a Digital Asset Management system? Find out here.
A Digital Asset Management (DAM) system can help organizations overcome various challenges related to managing digital assets. These challenges may include difficulties in finding specific files, using outdated assets, licensing and copyright issues, and sharing large files with external contacts.
Supported file formats
Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 16385 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 19253 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.
Sending user notifications
The article provides guidance on sending user notifications in ResourceSpace. Before version 10, developers had to make several checks before calling send_mail() or message_add() whenever required, resulting in duplicated code and inconsistency.
Downloading multiple resources
Users can download multiple resources in one go by adding the resources to a collection or selecting a number of resources from the search results page and clicking on 'Download' from the 'Actions' dropdown box.
Access control
The article discusses access control and how it enforces policies to prevent users from acting outside of their intended permissions. Failures in access control can lead to unauthorized information disclosure, modification or destruction of data, or performing a business function outside of the limits of the user.
How to back up your ResourceSpace installation
Ensure that your ResourceSpace open source Digital Asset Management system has appropriate backups in place.
StaticSync - keep your files in situ
StaticSync is a tool that allows users to keep their files in situ, meaning that they can remain in their existing folder structure. It is not intended to be used as a way to store resources externally to increase storage capability.
The analytics function allows detailed reporting on a variety of system actions which can be broken down by user group and filtered by a number of options.
Indexing metadata
ResourceSpace has announced that from version 10.1, indexing of text fields will be limited to the first 500 characters of text. This change is being made to enable ResourceSpace to quickly search resource metadata, rather than the full file contents.
ResourceSpace offers a reporting section that allows users to access information about downloads, uploads, and views. The reporting section provides a detailed table structure that can be downloaded as a CSV file for spreadsheet software or viewed directly in the browser.
Managing plugins
ResourceSpace is a digital asset management system that can be extended or modified using plugins. Plugins have a managed structure that makes it easy for third parties to write and for site administrators to maintain, even as function and bug fixes are applied to the base code.
A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Curation: Tools and Techniques
Explore digital curation: key tools and techniques for preserving significant cultural assets.
Admin overview
Accessible from the top navigation bar, the Admin menu provides a whole range of tools to help manage ResourceSpace and its contents.
Table: resource_type_field
Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 10794 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.
Description Sanitise the url provided when saving a dash tile. This function will take the value obtained by the form and pass it through if valid. If the url supplied is invalid, a blank value will be returned allowing the default standard tile type to be used.
Developer reference for function resolve_soundex()
Description Set bounds for default map view (geo_search.php and geo_edit.php) Parameters This function accepts no parameters. Return void Location include/map_functions.
Description Adds map providers for Leaflet maps. This function generates a JavaScript snippet that defines various tile layer providers for use in Leaflet maps. It supports OpenStreetMap and ESRI basemaps, as well as custom providers defined in the global variable `$geo_leaflet_sources`.
Developer reference for function get_video_resolution()
Developer reference for function split_keywords()
Developer reference for function search_special()
Developer reference for function search_filter()
Developer reference for function search_form_to_search_query()
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The most frequently asked questions about ResourceSpace, the free and open source Digital Asset Management system.
Description Execute a prepared statement and return the results as an array. Parameters Column Type Default Description $sql string The SQL to execute $parameters string array An array of parameters used in the SQL in the order: type, value, type, value.
Description Download remote file to the temp filestore location. Parameters Column Type Default Description $url string Source URL $key string "" Optional key to use - to prevent conflicts when simultaneous calls use same file name Return string|bool Returns the new temp filestore location or false otherwise.
The remove_empty_temp_directory() function is used to remove an empty folder from the path to a file. It is particularly useful for removing temporary directories that are no longer needed once the file they were created to hold no longer exists.
Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 7957 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.
The function `data_joins_field_value_translate_and_csv()` is used to convert `$data_joins` value to a user-friendly version. The text value is split by the configured separator and all parts are translated.
The article describes the function `api_validate_upload_url()` which is used to validate the URL supplied in APIs create resource or upload by URL. The function requires the URL hostname to be added in config `$api_upload_urls`.
Description Output the Javascript to build a pie chart in the canvas denoted by $id $data must be in the following format $data = array( "slice_a label" => "slice_a value", "slice_b label" => "slice_b value", ); a string can be used to denote the total value to pad the data to Parameters Column Type Default Description $id string identifier for the canvas to render the chart in $data array data to be rendered in the chart $total string|null null null will mean that the data is complete and an extra field is not required Return void Location include/reporting_functions.
Description Output the Javascript to build a bar chart in the canvas denoted by $id $data must be in the following format $data = array( "point_a x value" => "point_a y value", "point_b x value" => "point_b y value", Parameters Column Type Default Description $id string identifier for the canvas to render the chart in $data array data to be rendered in the chart Return void Location include/reporting_functions.
Description Render image on view.php "access" - Resource access "edit_access" - Resource edit access Parameters Column Type Default Description $resource array Resource data $context array Array with following named elements Return void * Location include/render_functions.
Description Check if a given file path is from a valid RS accessible location Parameters Column Type Default Description $path string $override_paths array []: bool { debug_function_call__FUNCTION__ Override checking of the default RS paths to check a specific location only.
Developer reference for function edit_filter_to_restype_permission()
Developer reference for function iiif_get_canvases()
Developer reference for function search_public_collections()
Developer reference for function collection_download_use_original_filenames_when_downloading()
Developer reference for function config_clean()
Developer reference for function message_get()
Developer reference for function check_date_format()
Developer reference for function migrate_filter()
Developer reference for function mix_url()
Developer reference for function mix_filename()
Developer reference for function mix_email()
Developer reference for function delete_resource_type_field()
Developer reference for function get_tree_strings()
Developer reference for function render_actions()
Developer reference for function render_date_range_field()
Developer reference for function save_resource_data()
Developer reference for function save_resource_data_multi()
Developer reference for function update_field()
Developer reference for function get_original_imagesize()
Developer reference for function sanitize_date_field_input()
Developer reference for function download_link_check_key()
Developer reference for function get_download_filename()