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Renders a date range input field for resource editing.

This function creates a set of input fields for selecting a start and end date. It supports EDTF format
and includes validation for the entered dates. It also provides functionality for handling multiple edit modes
and integrates with the autosave feature.


$name string The base name for the input fields.
$value string The value of the date range (in a specific format).
$forsearch bool true Indicates if the field is being used for a search query.
$autoupdate bool false Indicates if the field should trigger an update on change.
$field array array The field configuration array containing settings and metadata for the field.
$reset string "" An optional parameter indicating if the form should be reset.


include/render_functions.php lines 2341 to 2712


function render_date_range_field($name,$value,$forsearch=true,$autoupdate=false,$field=array(),$reset="")
// Get the start/end date from the string
$startpos   strpos($value,"start");
$endpos     strpos($value,"end");
$startvalue $startpos !== false substr($value,$startpos+5,($endpos ? ($endpos - ($startpos 5)) : null)) : "";
$endvalue   $endpos !== false substr($value,strpos($value,"end")+3,10) : "";
$value!="" && strpos($value,",")!==false)
// Extract the start date from the value obtained from get_resource_field_data
$rangevalues explode(",",$value);
$startvalue $rangevalues[0];
$endvalue $rangevalues[1];
strlen($value)==10 && strpos($value,"-") !==  false)
$startvalue $value;
$endvalue "";
$startvalue "";
$endvalue "";

$startvalue trim($startvalue);
$endvalue trim($endvalue);

    if (
$found_start_year   $ss[0] ?? "";
$found_start_month  $ss[1] ?? "";
$found_start_day    $ss[2] ?? "";
    if (
$found_end_year     $se[0] ?? "";
$found_end_month    $se[1] ?? "";
$found_end_day      $se[2] ?? "";
// If the form has been submitted (but not reset) but data was not saved get the submitted values   
if($reset == ""
"start_y""start-m","start-d","end-y","end-m","end-d") as $subpart)
getval($name "_" $subpart,"") != "")
"found_" $subpart} = escape(getval($name "_" $subpart,""));
// Use EDTF format for date input
        <input class=" echo $forsearch?"SearchWidth":"stdwidth"?>"  name=" echo escape($name); ?>_edtf" id=" echo escape($name); ?>_edtf" type="text" value=" echo escape(($startvalue != "" $endvalue !="") ? $startvalue "/" $endvalue ""); ?>" style="display:none;" disabled  if ($forsearch && $autoupdate) { ?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" } if($forsearch && !$forsearchbar){ ?> onKeyPress="if (!(updating)) {setTimeout('UpdateResultCount()',2000);updating=true;}" } elseif (!$forsearch  && $edit_autosave){?>onChange="AutoSave(' echo (int) $field["ref"]; ?>');" ?>>

    <!--  date range search start -->
    <!--- start date -->
    <div class="stdwidth indent  echo escape($name); ?>_range" id=" echo escape($name); ?>_start">
    <label class="InnerLabel"> echo escape($lang["fromdate"])?></label>

            <label class="accessibility-hidden" for=" echo escape($name?>_start-d"> echo escape($lang["day"]); ?></label>
            <select name=" echo escape($name); ?>_start-d" id=" echo escape($name); ?>_start-d"
if ($forsearch && $autoupdate)
?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" }
            elseif (!
$forsearch  && $edit_autosave)
?>onChange="if(sufficientDateParts(' echo escape($name); ?>_start')){AutoSave(' echo $field["ref"]; ?>');}" ?>
              <option value=""> echo escape($forsearch?$lang["anyday"]:$lang["day"]); ?></option>
for ($d=1;$d<=31;$d++)
?><option  if ($d==$found_start_day) { ?>selected ?> value=" echo $m?>"> echo $m?></option>
            <label class="accessibility-hidden" for=" echo escape($name?>_start-m"> echo escape($lang["month"]); ?></label>
            <select name=" echo escape($name); ?>_start-m" id=" echo escape($name); ?>_start-m"
if ($forsearch && $autoupdate)
?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" }
                elseif (!
$forsearch  && $edit_autosave)
?>onChange="if(sufficientDateParts(' echo escape($name); ?>_start')){AutoSave(' echo $field["ref"]; ?>');}" ?>
                <option value=""> echo escape($forsearch?$lang["anymonth"]:$lang["month"]); ?></option>
for ($d=1;$d<=12;$d++)
?><option  if ($d==$found_start_month) { ?>selected ?> value=" echo $m?>"> echo escape($lang["months"][$d-1])?></option>
            <label class="accessibility-hidden" for=" echo escape($name?>_start-m"> echo escape($lang["month"]); ?></label>
            <select name=" echo escape($name); ?>_start-m" id=" echo escape($name); ?>_start-m"
if ($forsearch && $autoupdate
?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" }
                elseif (!
$forsearch  && $edit_autosave)
?>onChange="if(sufficientDateParts(' echo escape($name); ?>_start')){AutoSave(' echo $field["ref"]; ?>');}" ?>
                <option value=""> echo escape($forsearch?$lang["anymonth"]:$lang["month"]); ?></option>
for ($d=1;$d<=12;$d++)
?><option  if ($d==$found_start_month) { ?>selected ?> value=" echo $m?>">  echo escape($lang["months"][$d-1])  ?></option>
            <label class="accessibility-hidden" for=" echo escape($name?>_start-d"> echo escape($lang["day"]); ?></label>
            <select name=" echo escape($name); ?>_start-d"  id=" echo escape($name); ?>_start-d"
if ($forsearch && $autoupdate)
?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" }
                elseif (!
$forsearch  && $edit_autosave)
?>onChange="if(sufficientDateParts(' echo escape($name); ?>_start')){AutoSave(' echo $field["ref"]; ?>');}" ?>
              <option value=""> echo escape($forsearch?$lang["anyday"]:$lang["day"]); ?></option>
for ($d=1;$d<=31;$d++)
?><option  if ($d==$found_start_day) { ?>selected ?> value=" echo $m?>"> echo $m?></option>
            <label class="accessibility-hidden" for=" echo escape($name?>_start-y"> echo escape($lang["year"]); ?></label>
            <select name=" echo escape($name?>_start-y" id=" echo escape($name); ?>_start-y"
if ($forsearch && $autoupdate)
?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" }
                elseif (!
$forsearch  && $edit_autosave)
?>onChange="if(sufficientDateParts(' echo escape($name); ?>_start')){AutoSave(' echo $field["ref"]; ?>');}" ?>
                <option value=""> echo escape($forsearch?$lang["anyyear"]:$lang["year"]); ?></option>
$y += $maxyear_extends_current;
                for (
?><option  if ($d==$found_start_year) { ?>selected ?>> echo $d?></option>
            <label class="accessibility-hidden" for=" echo escape($name?>_end-y"> echo escape($lang["year"]); ?></label>
            <input size="5" name=" echo escape($name?>_start-y" id=" echo escape($name?>_start-y" type="text" value=" echo $found_start_year ?>"
if ($forsearch && $autoupdate)
?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" }
$forsearch && !$forsearchbar)
?> onKeyPress="if (!(updating)) {setTimeout('UpdateResultCount()',2000);updating=true;}" }
                elseif (!
$forsearch  && $edit_autosave)
?>onChange="if(sufficientDateParts(' echo escape($name); ?>_start')){AutoSave(' echo $field["ref"]; ?>');}" ?>>

    <div class="clearerleft"> </div>

    <!--- to date -->
    <label  class='daterangelabel'></label>

    <div class="stdwidth indent  echo escape($name); ?>_range" id=" echo escape($name); ?>_to" >
    <label class="InnerLabel"> echo escape($lang["todate"])?></label>
            <label class="accessibility-hidden" for=" echo escape($name?>_end-d"> echo escape($lang["day"]); ?></label>
            <select name=" echo escape($name); ?>_end-d" id=" echo escape($name); ?>_end-d"
if ($forsearch && $autoupdate)
?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" }
                elseif (!
$forsearch  && $edit_autosave)
?>onChange="if(sufficientDateParts(' echo escape($name); ?>_end')){AutoSave(' echo $field["ref"]; ?>');}" ?>
                <option value=""> echo escape($forsearch?$lang["anyday"]:$lang["day"]); ?></option>
for ($d=1;$d<=31;$d++)
?><option  if ($d==$found_end_day) { ?>selected ?> value=" echo $m?>"> echo $m?></option>
            <label class="accessibility-hidden" for=" echo escape($name?>_end-m"> echo escape($lang["month"]); ?></label>
            <select name=" echo escape($name); ?>_end-m"  id=" echo escape($name); ?>_end-m"
if ($forsearch && $autoupdate)
?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" }
                elseif (!
$forsearch  && $edit_autosave)
?>onChange="if(sufficientDateParts(' echo escape($name); ?>_end')){AutoSave(' echo $field["ref"]; ?>');}" ?>
                <option value=""> echo escape($forsearch?$lang["anymonth"]:$lang["month"]); ?></option>
for ($d=1;$d<=12;$d++)
?><option  if ($d==$found_end_month) { ?>selected ?> value=" echo $m?>"> echo escape($lang["months"][$d-1])?></option>
            <label class="accessibility-hidden" for=" echo escape($name?>_end-m"> echo escape($lang["month"]); ?></label>
            <select name=" echo escape($name); ?>_end-m" id=" echo escape($name); ?>_end-m" 
if (!$forsearch  && $edit_autosave)
?>onChange="if(sufficientDateParts(' echo escape($name); ?>_end')){AutoSave(' echo $field["ref"]; ?>');}" 
?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" ?>
                <option value=""> echo escape($forsearch?$lang["anymonth"]:$lang["month"]); ?></option>
for ($d=1;$d<=12;$d++)
?><option  if ($d==$found_end_month) { ?>selected ?> value=" echo $m?>"> echo escape($lang["months"][$d-1]) ?></option>
            <label class="accessibility-hidden" for=" echo escape($name?>_end-d"> echo escape($lang["day"]); ?></label>
            <select name=" echo escape($name); ?>_end-d" id=" echo escape($name); ?>_end-d"
if ($forsearch && $autoupdate)
?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" }
                elseif (!
$forsearch  && $edit_autosave)
?>onChange="if(sufficientDateParts(' echo escape($name); ?>_end')){AutoSave(' echo $field["ref"]; ?>');}" ?>
              <option value=""> echo escape($forsearch?$lang["anyday"]:$lang["day"]); ?></option>
for ($d=1;$d<=31;$d++)
?><option  if ($d==$found_end_day) { ?>selected ?> value=" echo $m?>"> echo $m?></option>
            <label class="accessibility-hidden" for=" echo escape($name?>_end-y"> echo escape($lang["year"]); ?></label>
            <select name=" echo escape($name); ?>_end-y" id=" echo escape($name); ?>_end-y"
if ($forsearch && $autoupdate) { ?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" }
                elseif (!
$forsearch  && $edit_autosave)
?>onChange="if(sufficientDateParts(' echo escape($name); ?>_end')){AutoSave(' echo $field["ref"]; ?>');}" ?>
              <option value=""> echo escape($forsearch?$lang["anyyear"]:$lang["year"]); ?></option>
$y += $maxyear_extends_current;
              for (
?><option  if ($d==$found_end_year ) { ?>selected ?>> echo $d?></option>
                <label class="accessibility-hidden" for=" echo escape($name?>_end-y"> echo escape($lang["year"]); ?></label>
                <input size="5" name=" echo escape($name?>_end-y" id=" echo escape($name?>_end-y" type="text" value=" echo $found_end_year ?>"

if ($forsearch && $autoupdate)
?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" }
$forsearch && !$forsearchbar)
?> onKeyPress="if (!(updating)) {setTimeout('UpdateResultCount()',2000);updating=true;}" }
                    elseif (!
$forsearch  && $edit_autosave)
?>onChange="if(sufficientDateParts(' echo escape($name); ?>_end')){AutoSave(' echo $field["ref"]; ?>');}" ?>>

$forsearch !== true)
            // Get value of the date element before the change
            jQuery('[name^= echo escape($name); ?>]').on('focus', function(){
      , 'current', jQuery(this).val());
            //Check the value of the date after the change
            jQuery('[name^= echo escape($name); ?>_start]').on('change', function(){
                let day   = jQuery('[name= echo escape($name); ?>_start-d]').val().trim();
                let month = jQuery('[name= echo escape($name); ?>_start-m]').val().trim();
                let year  = jQuery('[name= echo escape($name); ?>_start-y]').val().trim(); 
                if (year != "" && !jQuery.isNumeric(year))
                    styledalert( echo "'" escape($lang["error"] . "','" $lang["invalid_date_generic"]) . "'" ?>);
                    jQuery(this).val(, 'current'));
                if(jQuery.isNumeric(year) && jQuery.isNumeric(day) && jQuery.isNumeric(month)){
                    //format date string into yyyy-mm-dd
                    let date_string = year + '-' + month + '-' + day;
                    //get a timestamp from the date string and then convert that back to yyyy-mm-dd
                    let date        = new Date(date_string).toISOString().split('T')[0];
                    //check if the before and after are the same, if a date like 2021-02-30 is selected date would be 2021-03-02
                    if(date_string !== date){
                        styledalert( echo "'" escape($lang["error"] . "','" $lang["invalid_date_generic"]) . "'" ?>);
                        jQuery(this).val(, 'current'))
            //Same again but for the end of the date range
            jQuery('[name^= echo escape($name); ?>_end]').on('change', function(){
                let day   = jQuery('[name= echo escape($name); ?>_end-d]').val().trim();
                let month = jQuery('[name= echo escape($name); ?>_end-m]').val().trim();
                let year  = jQuery('[name= echo escape($name); ?>_end-y]').val().trim();
                if (year != "" && !jQuery.isNumeric(year))
                    styledalert( echo "'" escape($lang["error"] . "','" $lang["invalid_date_generic"]) . "'" ?>);
                    jQuery(this).val(, 'current'));
                if(jQuery.isNumeric(year) && jQuery.isNumeric(day) && jQuery.isNumeric(month)){
                    //format date string into yyyy-mm-dd
                    let date_string = year + '-' + month + '-' + day;
                    //get a timestamp from the date string and then convert that back to yyyy-mm-dd
                    let date        = new Date(date_string).toISOString().split('T')[0];
                    //check if the before and after are the same, if a date like 2021-02-30 is selected date would be 2021-03-02
                    if(date_string !== date){
                        styledalert( echo "'" escape($lang["error"] . "','" $lang["invalid_date_generic"]) . "'" ?>);
                        jQuery(this).val(, 'current'))
    <!--  date range search end date-->
    <div class="clearerleft"></div>
        <a href="#" onclick="if(jQuery('# echo escape($name); ?>_edtf').prop('disabled')){jQuery('# echo escape($name); ?>_edtf').prop('disabled',false);jQuery('# echo escape($name); ?>_edtf').show();jQuery('. echo escape($name); ?>_range').hide();}else{jQuery('# echo escape($name); ?>_edtf').prop('disabled',true);jQuery('# echo escape($name); ?>_edtf').hide();jQuery('. echo escape($name); ?>_range').show();}return false;">
            <i aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-caret-right"></i>
             echo "EDTF"?>

This article was last updated 17th March 2025 20:35 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 14th February 2025 14:00 Europe/London time.