How to create digital assets for social media

Learn how to create digital assets for social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Discover the required dimensions and guidelines for each platform to ensure your images are engaging and visually appealing.

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Why ResourceSpace is perfect for... academic institutions

Discover why ResourceSpace is the perfect Digital Asset Management (DAM) software for academic institutions. With the disruption caused by Covid-19, schools, colleges, and universities need a reliable and efficient system for sharing files and images with students, staff, and parents. ResourceSpace offers an affordable DAM option with excellent customer service, making it easy to build an active online academic community and manage consent for assets, including images of children.

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Problems ResourceSpace solves: Sharing resources

We solve the problem of sharing digital assets by offering a fast and secure way to share multiple large assets with internal and external stakeholders. With ResourceSpace, you can easily share collections of assets without the limitations of email attachments or third-party apps. Say goodbye to outdated assets and hello to efficient and secure asset sharing.

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How to optimise images for the web without losing quality

Learn how to optimize images for the web without sacrificing quality. Discover why image optimization is important for user experience and how it can improve content engagement, SEO, and conversion rates. Find out how to reduce file sizes and choose the right format and dimensions for web images.

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Why is Digital Asset Management important?

Discover why Digital Asset Management (DAM) is becoming increasingly important for organizations across sectors. With the DAM market expected to reach $6 billion by 2025, learn about the benefits of using a DAM platform to store, organize, and share digital assets, and how it can improve collaboration and efficiency within your organization.

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ResourceSpace customer interview: The Arctic Institute

Discover how ResourceSpace has helped the Danish Arctic Institute improve their cataloging and organizing process, allowing them to work smarter and more efficiently with their vast archive of documents, photos, and more.

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Problems ResourceSpace solves: Managing licenses

ResourceSpace's License Manager feature simplifies the process of managing licenses for digital assets. With the ability to create specific licenses and associate them with resources, users can ensure that assets are used within the terms of their licenses, avoiding legal issues.

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4 Metadata best practices for Digital Assets

Looking for an easier way to organize and find your digital assets? Check out our latest article on metadata best practices for Digital Asset Management (DAM) systems. Learn how structured metadata can make a big difference in efficiently managing your assets and improving search functionality.

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ResourceSpace 9.7: A new uploader & easy consent management

ResourceSpace 9.7 introduces a new uploader, easy consent management, and improved external share management. With UI changes and the ability to email users about expired resources, this update enhances the user experience and functionality of ResourceSpace.

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Problems ResourceSpace solves: Managing external contributors

We simplify the process of managing external contributors and their digital assets. With ResourceSpace, you can easily control asset uploads, create upload links for specific file collections, and ensure a consistent process for approving assets. Say goodbye to incorrect and unsuitable assets being used in your marketing campaigns.

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ResourceSpace customer feedback survey results

ResourceSpace customer feedback survey results reveal exciting new features to be introduced in upcoming releases. These include an integrated content management system, optical character recognition capability, and improved mobile user experience. Engaging with our users helps us prioritize development and ensures we focus on features that truly benefit our customers.

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