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Retrieves a list of fields suitable for advanced searching.

This function queries the database for resource type fields that are marked for advanced searching.
It checks for visibility based on user permissions and whether the fields are hidden from the search.
If a designated date field is specified and not already included in the results, it will be added
to the beginning of the list if it matches the resource types of the other fields.


$archive bool false Whether to include fields related to archived resources. Defaults to false.
$hiddenfields string "" A comma-separated string of field references that should be hidden from the search.


array An array of searchable fields that can be used in an advanced search form.


include/search_functions.php lines 69 to 129


function get_advanced_search_fields($archive=false$hiddenfields="")
# Returns a list of fields suitable for advanced searching.

$date_field_already_present=false# Date field not present in searchable fields array
$date_field_data=null# If set then this is the date field to be added to searchable fields array


$fields=ps_query("SELECT " columns_in("resource_type_field","f") . ", GROUP_CONCAT(rtfrt.resource_type) resource_types FROM resource_type_field f LEFT JOIN resource_type_field_resource_type rtfrt ON rtfrt.resource_type_field = f.ref  WHERE f.advanced_search=1 AND AND (f.keywords_index=1 AND length(>0) AND ( OR rtfrt.resource_type IS NOT NULL) GROUP BY f.ref ORDER BY DESC, f.order_by ASC", [], "schema"); // Constants do not need to be parameters in the prepared statement
    # Apply field permissions and check for fields hidden in advanced search
for ($n=0;$n<count($fields);$n++)
        if (
metadata_field_view_access($fields[$n]["ref"]) && !in_array($fields[$n]["ref"], $hiddenfields))
# If not already in the list of advanced search metadata fields, insert the field which is the designated searchable date ($date_field)
&& $daterange_search
&& metadata_field_view_access($date_field)
        && !
$date_field_data get_resource_type_field($date_field);
        if (!
is_array($date_field_data) || is_null($date_field_data['ref']))
debug("WARNING: Invalid \$date_field specified in config : " $date_field);
# Insert searchable date field so that it appears as the first array entry for a given resource type
        for (
            if (
count(array_intersect(explode(",",(string)$return[$n]["resource_types"]),explode(",",(string)$date_field_data['resource_types']))) > 0
) {
$date_field_data=null# Only insert it once
# If not yet added because it's resource type differs from everything in the list then add it to the end of the list
if (is_array($date_field_data))
$date_field_data=null# Keep things tidy

# Designated searchable date_field is already present in the lost of advanced search metadata fields        }
return $return;

This article was last updated 4th December 2024 09:05 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 27th November 2024 09:40 Europe/London time.