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Resolves the most commonly used keyword that sounds like the given keyword.

This function attempts to find a keyword that phonetically matches the provided keyword
using the Soundex algorithm. If no Soundex match is found, it will suggest the most commonly
used keyword that starts with the same first few letters.


$keyword string The keyword to resolve.


string|false Returns the matched keyword if found, or false if no match is found.


include/search_functions.php lines 17 to 27


function resolve_soundex($keyword)
$soundex=ps_value("SELECT keyword value FROM keyword WHERE soundex = ? AND keyword NOT LIKE '% %' AND hit_count >= ? ORDER BY hit_count DESC LIMIT 1",["s",soundex($keyword),"i",$soundex_suggest_limit],false);
    if ((
$soundex===false) && (strlen($keyword)>=4))
# No soundex match, suggest words that start with the same first few letters.
return ps_value("SELECT keyword value FROM keyword WHERE keyword LIKE ? AND keyword NOT LIKE '% %' ORDER BY hit_count DESC LIMIT 1",["s",substr($keyword,0,4) . "%"],false);

This article was last updated 4th December 2024 09:05 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 27th November 2024 09:40 Europe/London time.