Collection and resource promotion
Promoting resources and collections is a great way to showcase new and useful content. ResourceSpace offers simple, yet effective ways to do this, meaning your users will always have easy access to the best resources your system has to offer.
Homepage slideshow
Careful management of the homepage slideshow will keep your ResourceSpace looking fresh and encourage users to check regularly for new content. For optimal styling use the transform plugin to select and crop your slideshow images, see the Slideshow guide for more information.
Featured collections
Carefully maintaining your featured collections will ensure users are seeing only the very best of your resources. This not only means adding new material as it is uploaded, but also removing resources which have had sufficient exposure.
See Creating featured collections for more information.

Public collections
Public collections are also useful for promoting sets of resources and can be made into dash tiles so they are readily available to your users.
See Creating public collections for information on setting up public collections.