What file formats can be uploaded to ResourceSpace?

Any type of file can be uploaded to ResourceSpace as long as it is not in the list of banned extensions which by default is:

  • php, cgi, pl, exe, asp, jsp, sh, bash, phtml, phps, phar, py, jar

This can be changed using the config option $banned_extensions in config.php.

Preview creation

ResourceSpace will also attempt to create preview files for any uploaded files, these are the images and videos you see when searching and browsing your system.

Several open source libraries are used in ResourceSpace to generate file previews and the list of supported formats is extensive but common file types such as the ones listed below are supported:

  • Images: jpg, png, gif, bmp, tiff, tga, psd
  • Videos: avi, flv, mp4, mov, wmv, ogg, webm
  • Audio: mp3, aac, wma, flac

Raw formats

Due to the performance impact, no preview files are created in ResourceSpace by default. However, the preview already embedded in the image itself can be extracted and used by setting any of the following config options to true:
