

Adds a general user feedback function to the header for all users.

After enabling the plugin, users will be prompted to answer a configurable feedback form.

Responses to these forms are stored in a csv inside the feedback plugin folder on the server.



The user feedback form can be configured by editing the pop-up prompt and individual questions in the form.


Each question in the form has the following options:

  • Type - Format of the question, the available formats are:
    • Small text field
    • Large text field
    • List: Single Selection
    • List: Multiple Selection
    • Label
  • Delete this question? - Deletes the selected question when saving the configuration
  • Add new question after this one? - Adds a new question when saving the configuration
  • Text/HTML - The text that is displayed for the question, this can use HTML styling
  • Options - Used for list type questions. This is a comma separated list of the options that will be show to the user
