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Contact Sheets not showing special characters
The update to html2pdf changed the name of a font which we used to recommend for compatibility. This article is for systems that have that set or if new systems have issues.
PDF contact sheet
The article explains how to create a PDF contact sheet for a collection in ResourceSpace. A contact sheet is a quick reference overview of what is in a collection, which can be printed or downloaded. To create a contact sheet, users need to choose the "Contact Sheet" option in the collection Actions list.
Description Input validation helper function to determine if the $contact_sheet_preview_size config is valid. Parameters Column Type Default Description $val: string * $val; } /** if false Location include/config_functions.
CSV upload
The CSV upload plugin for ResourceSpace allows users to edit existing resource metadata and create new resources by uploading a CSV file. The plugin is recommended for administrators and users with elevated permissions due to the risk of inserting incorrect data into ResourceSpace.
Metadata read/write mapping
ResourceSpace can map between embedded metadata stored in original files and the metadata fields in ResourceSpace itself. This synchronisation can be two-way, so that imported metadata can be automatically extracted into a configured field, but also that metadata added to the resource after import is written back to the file at download.
ResourceSpace implements a RESTful API that returns JSON. All requests must be signed using a shared private key specific to each user. This can be performed via GET or POST.
The article provides a guide on how to create an official standard translation and a custom translation for a system. Before starting an official translation, it is important to verify that no other translator is already working with the language.
Simple LDAP
The Simple LDAP plugin enables consistent sign-on (CSO) for ResourceSpace users, allowing them to log in using the same credentials they use to log in to their organisation's network. The plugin has been tested with Microsoft Active Directory and Oracle Directory servers.
Simple SAML
This plugin allows users to log on to ResourceSpace using a SAML compliant single sign-on (SSO) Identity Provider (IdP)
User opt-in consent
The article discusses the configuration option for user opt-in consent, which is enabled by default in certain data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The configuration option requires users to give consent for their personal data to be processed before they can submit an account request.
CSV export
ResourceSpace allows users to extract metadata from its database as a CSV file, which can be opened in most standard spreadsheet or database programs. The metadata fields included in the CSV file can be customised by editing metadata fields and enabling the "Include in CSV export" option.
Contributing to the base code
ResourceSpace welcomes contributions to its base code. The process involves completing a Contributor License Agreement and ensuring familiarity with the Coding Standards. After this, diff patches should be manually submitted via email for review and addition to the base.
Complete Guide to Crafting Effective Brand Guidelines
Discover the importance of brand guidelines to differentiate your business and ensure your products stand out from competitors.
Intellectual property
ResourceSpace, an open source digital asset management software, has issued guidelines for the use of intellectual property in its platform. The company has stated that all code, images, libraries and other digital content included in ResourceSpace must meet certain criteria.
Downloading multiple resources
Users can download multiple resources in one go by adding the resources to a collection or selecting a number of resources from the search results page and clicking on 'Download' from the 'Actions' dropdown box.
Integrating ResourceSpace with RightMarket
Create branded marketing materials, including posters, social graphics or point of sale materials, with ResourceSpace's RightMarket integration.
Do you need a Digital Asset Management system? Find out here.
A Digital Asset Management (DAM) system can help organizations overcome various challenges related to managing digital assets. These challenges may include difficulties in finding specific files, using outdated assets, licensing and copyright issues, and sharing large files with external contacts.
A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Curation: Tools and Techniques
Explore digital curation: key tools and techniques for preserving significant cultural assets.
Navigating Consent and Digital Asset Management
Discover how your organisation can navigate consent and Digital Asset Management (DAM), including ensuring legal compliance and protecting user privacy.
How do I change the welcome message?
The article discusses how to change the welcome message on a website or application. It explains that the welcome message is the first thing users see when they visit a website or open an app, and it sets the tone for their experience.
Supported file formats
Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 16385 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 19253 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.
Creating users
This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a user account in a system. It explains that user accounts require user groups to be created first, as user permissions and configuration settings are managed in the groups.
ResourceSpace offers a reporting section that allows users to access information about downloads, uploads, and views. The reporting section provides a detailed table structure that can be downloaded as a CSV file for spreadsheet software or viewed directly in the browser.
Admin overview
Accessible from the top navigation bar, the Admin menu provides a whole range of tools to help manage ResourceSpace and its contents.
Related resources
The article explains how resources can be related to each other in order to group similar or mutually relevant resources. There are three ways to relate resources: relating all resources in a collection, manually relating resources by editing each resource individually, and relating resources on upload.
Editing resource previews
Resource previews are an important aspect of ResourceSpace as they are the first contact users have with resources and help them decide which assets to use. If previews are missing, they should be remedied after upload.
The article provides instructions on how to view and send messages on a website. To view messages, users need to click on the user profile icon and select "Messages". Messages are listed in date order, newest first, and users can mark them as read, delete them, or reply to them.
Project structure
A breakdown of the folders used within ResourceSpace, and their typical contents and function.
Writing your own plugins
A plugin in ResourceSpace is a collection of PHP code, language files, graphics, CSS files and other related files that are structured to conform to the ResourceSpace plugin architecture. For deployment, the files that constitute a plugin are packaged together into a self-contained file called a ResourceSpace Plugin (.
Collection options
There is a list of options available to you from the collection actions dropdown menu. This menu is present in the collection bar and from the "Manage My Collections" page, as well as on the search page when viewing resources in a collection.
Injection attacks are a type of attack vector that occur when an attacker can send hostile data to an interpreter as part of a command or query, which alters the execution of that program. The most common injection flaws are cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injections (SQLi), command injections which can lead to remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities, and LDAP injections.
Advanced metadata field configuration
This page covers the advanced options for metadata field configuration including display templates, smart featured collections, display conditions, autocomplete options and additional settings for ExifTool and IPTC metadata.
Table: external_access_keys
The article provides a table called "external_access_keys" that is used for externally sharing resources. The table contains several columns, including "resource," which refers to the resource being shared, "access_key," which is the external access key, "user," which refers to the user who created the share, "usergroup," which refers to the user group that the share belongs to, "collection," which refers to the collection that the share belongs to, "request_feedback," which is a boolean value that determines whether external contacts can provide feedback when accessing the share, "email," which is the email address that the share was created for, "date," which is the date the share was created, "lastused," which is the date the share was last accessed, "access," which is the access level (0 for open, 1 for restricted), "expires," which is the share expiration date, "password_hash," which is the hash of the share password (NULL if not set), and "upload," which is set to 0 for standard external view access share and 1 for an external upload share for a collection.
Table: research_request
The article provides information about the "research_request" table, which is used in ResourceSpace, a digital asset management system. The table stores information related to research requests, which are requests for appropriate resources for a project.
Table: node
Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 10911 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.
Table: keyword
Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 13661 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.
File management (uploads)
The article emphasizes the importance of following OWASP best practices for file management, particularly during uploads. It introduces functions in ResourceSpace that aid in handling file processing, such as process_file_upload for moving files to desired destinations, parse_filename_extension for extracting file extensions, and functions like is_banned_extension and check_valid_file_extension to control the types of files that can be uploaded.
Developer reference for function compile_collection_actions()
Developer reference for function generateUserFilenameUID()
Developer reference for function generate_pdf()
Description Checks the current page and includes necessary geolocation libraries for Leaflet maps. This function loads the Leaflet Control Geocoder plugin and checks if the current page requires geolocation capabilities.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The most frequently asked questions about ResourceSpace, the free and open source Digital Asset Management system.
Developer reference for function get_template_path()
Developer reference for function process_template()
Developer reference for function get_resource_table_joins()
Developer reference for function get_research_request()
Developer reference for function get_research_requests()
Developer reference for function send_research_request()
Developer reference for function email_resource_request()
Developer reference for function get_plugin_css()
Developer reference for function get_pdf_templates()
Developer reference for function get_nopreview_icon()