Collection options

There is a list of options available to you from the collection actions dropdown menu. This menu is present in the collection bar and from the "Manage My Collections" page, as well as on the search page when viewing resources in a collection.

Please note that not all the options listed will always be available since they depend on the system configuration and permissions


  1. Manage my collections - Takes you to a page where you can manage all your collections
  2. Edit - Takes you to the collection edit page
  3. Upload to this collection - Takes you to the Upload page. The uploaded resources will then be added to the collection
  4. Create new dash tile - Create a new Dash tile for this collection
  5. Create new featured collection category - Create a new featured collection category for this collection
  6. Download - Allows you to download all resources within this collection as a single zip or tar file. See Downloading multiple resources for more information
  7. Contact sheet - Allows you to download a PDF contact sheet containing all of the resources in this collection
  8. Share - Allows you to share the collection, see Public collections for more information
  9. View log - Takes you to the logs for this collection. This allows you to see the history of actions that have been made on this collection. It will log who made the action and the action that was taken
  10. Edit all resources - Allows you to edit all resources in the collection, see Editing multiple resources
  11. Delete all resources - Delete all resources in this collection. Please note that this will delete the resources themselves, not just remove them from the collection
  12. Remove resources - Remove all resources from the collection
  13. Edit collection previews - Rotate, brighten or recreate previews for all the resources in the collection
  14. Disk space used by all resources - Show the physical disk space used by the resources in the collection
  15. CSV export - metadata - Allows you to download metadata for all the collection resources in CSV format
    By default only information from selected fields will be downloaded. This is dependent on your system configuration and may omit data considered to be irrelevant (such as detailed technical camera data), however you can choose to select the following options:-
    • Only include data from fields expected to contain personal data - download only metadata from fields that have been marked by the system administrator as likely to contain personal data
    • Include data from all accessible fields e.g. contain technical metadata and detailed file information - include data from all fields that you have access to
  16. Hide from collection bar - Don't show this collection in the collection bar quick access drop down list
  17. View all - Takes you to a search result page displaying all the resources in this collection
  18. Delete - Allows you to Delete the collection