Installing and upgrading
- Installation overview
- General installation requirements
- Installing on Ubuntu Linux
- Installing on Windows Server
- Installing on macOS
- Installing on CentOS Linux
- Installing via Docker
- Installing on SuSE
- Configuring php.ini
- Configuring Apache
- Configuring the database
- Upgrading
- LibreOffice integration for Microsoft Office previews
- OpenCV (facial recognition)
- Upgrading PHP versions
- Setting up scheduled tasks/cron
User management
Advanced user group options
Customising ResourceSpace
Configuring ResourceSpace
- The config file
- Offline job queues
- File integrity checking
- ResourceSpace file storage (filestore)
- Checksums
- Edit access for contributors
- Configuring Leaflet Maps
- Automatic alternative video files
- Signing all database PHP code
- Integrating with Uppy Companion
- The System Configuration page
- Configuring image alternatives
- Minimal preview creation
- Mounting Amazon S3 for external storage
Creating user groups
The default user groups are:
- Administrators: almost everything, except System Setup (aimed at your internal resources team)
- Archivist: can edit resources in the 'waiting to be archived' and 'archived' states only.
- General users: search and download
- Restricted user: these user groups cannot download any resources. They can only view the resources. If a restricted user wants to download a resource, they will need to first request access to it. Once a Super Admin approves the request, then the user will be able to download it. There are four types of Restricted User: Payment Immediate, Payment Invoice, Requests Emailed, Requests Managed
- Super Admin: everything (aimed at sysadmins)
Create a new user group:
- Browse to Admin > System > User groups
- Add a name next to "Create user group called..."
- Click Create
- Assign permissions to the user group by working through the permissions manager, checking the options you wish to assign
- Click Save
There are also Advanced group options which provide further controls to manage the way that users within this group can interact with ResourceSpace.