Upgrading ResourceSpace requires Subversion (SVN) to be installed on your server. Before upgrading you should ensure that your system meets the General installation requirements.
Navigate to the web root
Open a Terminal/Command Prompt and change to the web root where ResourceSpace is installed (i.e. the location of 'login.php').
On Linux machines this may be:
On Windows machines this may be:
Check for modified files:
Run the following command to find any files that have been changed locally.
svn diff
If there are modified files it may be useful to save these to a text file in case of conflicts:
svn diff > before_upgrade.diff
Upgrade the code
Perform the upgrade by switching the code to the latest version in the releases branch:
svn switch https://svn.resourcespace.com/svn/rs/releases/10.5
or simply:
svn switch ^/releases/10.5
NOTE: For larger systems, the upgrade to 10.0 and above can take a long time (several hours) due to one of the automatic migration scripts changing how metadata is stored in the database. This can be mitigated by following these steps:
Upgrade to version 9.8 first:
svn switch ^/releases/9.8
If you are already using version 9.8, update to the latest revision:
svn update
Manually run the following script:
php pages/tools/populate_nodes_pre_v10.php
Once that script is complete you can perform the upgrade to version 10.0 and above with less downtime incurred as the longer upgrade script has already been executed.
Converting a downloaded installation to a Subversion working copy
Using Subversion means upgrading is easier, particularly if you plan to make local changes that must be carefully merged. To convert your installation to a Subversion working copy, use:
svn co --force https://svn.resourcespace.com/svn/rs/releases/10.5 .
You can then update to the latest version of the checked out release simply by typing
svn update
- If you get an error similar to the following: "sqlite[S8]: attempt to write a readonly database" you need elevated permissions to run the SVN command. On Linux put "sudo" before the command and on Windows open the Command Prompt/Powershell as Administrator.
- When using Command Prompt on Windows you will need to escape the ^ character. So the upgrade command would instead be "svn switch ^^/releases/10.5".
- File and folder permissions of the code may be changed when upgrading. On Linux setting the ownership of the files to the user group www-data may resolve any permission issues.
- If any issues occur during the upgrade that leave your checkout in a broken state, use the 'svn cleanup' command to fix this.