- Installation overview
- General installation requirements
- Installing on Ubuntu Linux
- Installing on Windows Server
- Installing on macOS
- Installing on CentOS Linux
- Installing via Docker
- Installing on SuSE
- Configuring php.ini
- Configuring Apache
- Configuring the database
- Upgrading
- LibreOffice integration for Microsoft Office previews
- OpenCV (facial recognition)
- Upgrading PHP versions
- Setting up scheduled tasks/cron
- The config file
- Offline job queues
- File integrity checking
- ResourceSpace file storage (filestore)
- Checksums
- Edit access for contributors
- Configuring Leaflet Maps
- Automatic alternative video files
- Signing all database PHP code
- Integrating with Uppy Companion
- The System Configuration page
- Configuring image alternatives
- Minimal preview creation
- Mounting Amazon S3 for external storage
Upgrading PHP versions
PHP upgrades
As ResourceSpace evolves its dependencies also change over time to ensure code security and to enable improved functionality.
Version 10.0 change
For ResourceSpace version 10.0 the PHP requirement has changed to maintain compatibility with the third party file uploader library (Uppy) and to maintain security. As a result PHP 7.4 is now the minimum version.
PHP 7.2 is no longer supported and will no longer work when you upgrade to ResourceSpace version 10.
How to upgrade PHP
The steps required to move to a new version of PHP will depend on your server environment and you should ensure that you have tested and are familiar with the process before proceeding.
Important: please ensure that whatever process you follow you make sure that you have an up to data backup of your ResourceSpace files and database before upgrading, and that the following additional steps are completed :-
- Install all the required ResourceSpace PHP extensions for the new version as per General installation requirements
- Ensure that any custom settings you have set in your previous php.ini file are copied to the php.ini file for the new version
Upgrading PHP on Linux
Refer to the documentation for your specific Linux version e.g. https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/programming-php for detailed info.
Upgrading on Linux is normally a case of simply running a few commands e.g.
sudo apt install -y php8.0 sudo apt install -y libapache2-mod-php8.0 sudo apt install -y php8.0-cli sudo apt install -y php8.0-mysqli ...... etc.
Upgrading PHP on Windows
If you are using IIS then it is easiest to use PHP Manager to manage different PHP versions.
New PHP versions for Windows can be downloaded from https://windows.php.net