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Compiles a list of actions based on the provided top actions and search parameters.

This function generates an array of options for various actions that can be performed
on search results, such as saving searches to collections, saving to dashboards,
exporting results, editing resources, and running reports. The available actions depend
on user permissions and specific conditions.

category, and order for sorting.


$top_actions bool Indicates whether to include top actions in the options.


array An array of action options, each containing value, label, data attributes,


include/search_functions.php lines 601 to 792


function compile_search_actions($top_actions)
$options = array();
$o 0;


    if (!isset(
$internal_share_access)) {
$internal_share_access false;

$urlparams = array(
"search"        =>  $search,
"collection"    =>  $collection,
"restypes"      =>  $restypes,
"order_by"      =>  $order_by,
"archive"       =>  $archive,
"access"        =>  $search_access,
"sort"          =>  $sort,
"daylimit"      =>  $daylimit,
"offset"        =>  $offset,
"k"             =>  $k

$omit_edit_all false;

#This is to stop duplicate "Edit all resources" caused on a collection search
if (isset($search) && substr($search011) == '!collection') {
$omit_edit_all true;

    if (!
checkperm('b') && ($k == '' || $internal_share_access)) {
        if (
$top_actions && $usercollection != $collection) {
$options[$o]['value'] = 'save_search_to_collection';
$options[$o]['label'] = $lang['savethissearchtocollection'];
$data_attribute['url'] = generateURL($baseurl_short "pages/collections.php"$urlparams, array("addsearch" => $search));
$options[$o]['data_attr'] = $data_attribute;
$options[$o]['category']  = ACTIONGROUP_ADVANCED;
$options[$o]['order_by']  = 70;

#Home_dash is on, AND NOT Anonymous use, AND (Dash tile user (NOT with a managed dash) || Dash Tile Admin)
if ($top_actions && $home_dash && checkPermission_dashcreate()) {
$option_name 'save_search_to_dash';
$extraparams = array();
$extraparams["create"] = "true";
$extraparams["tltype"] = "srch";
$extraparams["freetext"] = "true";

$data_attribute = array(
'url'  => generateURL($baseurl_short "pages/dash_tile.php"$urlparams$extraparams),
'link' => str_replace($baseurl'', (string) $url)

            if (
substr($search011) == '!collection') {
$option_name 'save_collection_to_dash';
$extraparams["promoted_resource"] = "true";
$extraparams["all_users"] = "1";
$extraparams["link"] = $baseurl_short "pages/search.php?search=!collection" $collection;
$data_attribute['url'] = generateURL($baseurl_short "pages/dash_tile.php"$urlparams$extraparams);

$options[$o]['value'] = $option_name;
$options[$o]['label'] = $lang['savethissearchtodash'];
$options[$o]['data_attr'] = $data_attribute;
$options[$o]['category']  = ACTIONGROUP_SHARE;
$options[$o]['order_by']  = 170;

// Save search as Smart Collections
if ($top_actions && $allow_smart_collections && substr($search011) != '!collection') {
$extra_tag_attributes sprintf(
urlencode((string) $search),
urlencode((string) $restypes),
urlencode((string) $archive)

$options[$o]['value'] = 'save_search_smart_collection';
$options[$o]['label'] = $lang['savesearchassmartcollection'];
$options[$o]['data_attr'] = array();
$options[$o]['extra_tag_attributes'] = $extra_tag_attributes;
$options[$o]['category']  = ACTIONGROUP_COLLECTION;
$options[$o]['order_by']  = 170;

        if (
$resources_count != && !$system_read_only) {
$extra_tag_attributes sprintf(
urlencode((string) $search),
urlencode((string) $restypes),
urlencode((string) $order_by),
urlencode((string) $sort),
urlencode((string) $archive),
urlencode((string) $daylimit)

$options[$o]['value'] = 'save_search_items_to_collection';
$options[$o]['label'] = $lang['savesearchitemstocollection'];
$options[$o]['data_attr'] = array();
$options[$o]['extra_tag_attributes'] = $extra_tag_attributes;
$options[$o]['category']  = ACTIONGROUP_COLLECTION;
$options[$o]['order_by']  = 170;

            if (
!= $resources_count && $show_searchitemsdiskusage) {
$extra_tag_attributes sprintf(
urlencode((string) $search),
urlencode((string) $restypes),
urlencode((string) $offset),
urlencode((string) $order_by),
urlencode((string) $sort),
urlencode((string) $archive),
urlencode((string) $daylimit),
urlencode((string) $k)

$options[$o]['value'] = 'search_items_disk_usage';
$options[$o]['label'] = $lang['searchitemsdiskusage'];
$options[$o]['data_attr'] = array();
$options[$o]['extra_tag_attributes'] = $extra_tag_attributes;
$options[$o]['category']  = ACTIONGROUP_ADVANCED;
$options[$o]['order_by']  = 300;

// If all resources are editable, display an edit all link
if ($top_actions && !$omit_edit_all) {
$data_attribute['url'] = generateURL($baseurl_short "pages/edit.php"$urlparams, array("editsearchresults" => "true""search_access" => $search_access));
$options[$o]['value'] = 'editsearchresults';
$options[$o]['label'] = $lang['edit_all_resources'];
$options[$o]['data_attr'] = $data_attribute;
$options[$o]['category'] = ACTIONGROUP_EDIT;
$options[$o]['order_by']  = 130;

    if (
$top_actions && ($k == '' || $internal_share_access)) {
$options[$o]['value']            = 'csv_export_results_metadata';
$options[$o]['label']            = $lang['csvExportResultsMetadata'];
$options[$o]['data_attr']['url'] = sprintf(
urlencode((string) $search),
urlencode((string) $restypes),
urlencode((string) $order_by),
urlencode((string) $archive),
urlencode((string) $sort),
urlencode((string) $search_access)
$options[$o]['category'] = ACTIONGROUP_ADVANCED;
$options[$o]['order_by']  = 290;

// Run report on search results
if ($top_actions && checkperm('t')) {
$backurl_to_search generateURL("{$baseurl_short}pages/search.php"get_search_params(), $urlparams);

$options[$o]['value'] = 'run_report_on_search_results';
$options[$o]['label'] = $lang['run_report_on_search_results'];
$options[$o]['data_attr']['url'] = generateURL("{$baseurl_short}pages/team/team_report.php", ['backurl' => $backurl_to_search]);
$options[$o]['category'] = ACTIONGROUP_ADVANCED;
$options[$o]['order_by']  = 280;

// Add extra search actions or modify existing options through plugins
$modified_options hook('render_search_actions_add_option''', array($options$urlparams));
    if (
$top_actions && !empty($modified_options)) {
$options $modified_options;


This article was last updated 17th March 2025 20:35 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 11th March 2025 14:15 Europe/London time.