Renders the HTML for the provided $field for inclusion in a search form, for example theadvanced search page. Standard field titles are translated using $lang. Custom field titles are i18n translated.
$field the field being rendered as an associative array of field data, i.e. one row from the resource_type_field table.
$fields the array of fields data, i.e. multiple rows from the resource_type_field table.
$name the input name to use in the form (post name)
$value the default value to set for this field, if any
$reset is non-blank if the caller requires the field to be reset
Column | Type | Default | Description |
$field | |||
$fields | |||
$value | "" | ||
$autoupdate | false | ||
$class | "stdwidth" | ||
$forsearchbar | false | ||
$limit_keywords | array | ||
$searched_nodes | array | array | Array of all the searched nodes previously |
$reset | "" | ||
$simpleSearchFieldsAreHidden | false |
include/render_functions.php lines 19 to 938
function render_search_field($field,$fields,$value="",$autoupdate=false,$class="stdwidth",$forsearchbar=false,$limit_keywords=array(),
$searched_nodes = array(), $reset="",$simpleSearchFieldsAreHidden=false)
global $auto_order_checkbox, $auto_order_checkbox_case_insensitive, $lang, $category_tree_open, $minyear, $daterange_search, $searchbyday,
$is_search, $values, $n, $simple_search_show_dynamic_as_dropdown, $clear_function, $simple_search_display_condition, $autocomplete_search,
$baseurl, $fields, $baseurl_short, $extrafooterhtml,$FIXED_LIST_FIELD_TYPES, $maxyear_extends_current, $DATE_FIELD_TYPES;
# Certain edit_fields/x.php functions check for bulk edit which must be defined as false prior to rendering the search field
$field['ref'] = (int) $field['ref'];
<!-- RENDERING FIELD= echo $field['ref'] . " " . escape($field['name']);?> -->
// set this to zero since this does not apply to collections
if (!isset($field['field_constraint'])){$field['field_constraint']=0;}
$name="field_" . ($forsearchbar ? escape($field["name"]) : $field["ref"]);
$id="field_" . $field["ref"];
# An array of conditions spanning all governed fields and all governing fields
# Assume the field being rendered should be displayed
# If the field being rendered has a display condition
# For advanced search, always check the display condition
# For simple search, only check the display condition if the field is included in the simple_search_display_condition config array
if ( $field["display_condition"]!=""
&& ( !$forsearchbar || ($forsearchbar && !empty($simple_search_display_condition) && in_array($field['ref'],$simple_search_display_condition)) ) )
# Split the display condition of the field being rendered into an array of tests (if there are more than one, they are separated by a ";")
# Each test is in the form governing field = governing field value
# If the field being rendered is itself a governing field then "On Change" code must be generated for the governing field
# If the field being rendered is a governed field then "Checking" code must be generated for each governing field
foreach ($s as $condition) # Check each individual test
# Assume that the current test does not need to be checked
# Process each field to see if it is being referenced in the current test
if (!is_array($fields))
return false;
for ($cf=0;$cf<count($fields);$cf++) # Check each field to see if it is a governing field whose value needs to be checked
# If the field being processed is referenced in the current test, then it is a governing field
if ($s[0]==$fields[$cf]["name"])
# The script conditions array contains an entry for each governing field
$scriptconditions[$condref]["field"] = $fields[$cf]["ref"]; # governing field
$scriptconditions[$condref]["governedfield"] = $field["ref"]; # governed field
$scriptconditions[$condref]["name"] = $fields[$cf]["name"];
$scriptconditions[$condref]['type'] = $fields[$cf]['type'];
$scriptconditions[$condref]['display_as_dropdown'] = $fields[$cf]['display_as_dropdown'];
# Get the node references of the governing field
$scriptconditionnodes = get_nodes($fields[$cf]['ref'], null, (FIELD_TYPE_CATEGORY_TREE == $fields[$cf]['type'] ? true : false));
# Prepare an array of values present in the test
$validvalues = array_map("i18n_get_translated", $validvalues);
$scriptconditions[$condref]['valid'] = array();
$scriptconditions[$condref]['validtext'] = array();
foreach($validvalues as $validvalue)
# The validtext array is for checking input values instead of their corresponding node references
$scriptconditions[$condref]['validtext'][] = strtolower($validvalue);
# Convert the value name into a node entry if it is a valid node within the governing field
$found_validvalue = get_node_by_name($scriptconditionnodes, $validvalue);
# If there is a node which corresponds to that value name then append its node reference to a list of valid nodes
if(0 != count($found_validvalue))
$scriptconditions[$condref]['valid'][] = (string)$found_validvalue['ref'];
# Is the node present in search result list of nodes
# Value being tested is present in the searched nodes array
$displayconditioncheck = true;
# Suppress this field if none of the nodes (of the values) in the test match the searched nodes array
if (!$displayconditioncheck)
$displaycondition=false; # Do not render field
// Certain fixed list types allow for multiple nodes to be passed at the same time
// Generate a javascript function specific to the field being rendered
// This function will be invoked whenever any governing field changes
if(in_array($fields[$cf]['type'], $FIXED_LIST_FIELD_TYPES))
if(FIELD_TYPE_CATEGORY_TREE == $fields[$cf]['type'])
<!-- SETUP HANDLER FOR GOVERNOR= echo $fields[$cf]['ref']; ?> GOVERNED= echo $field['ref']; ?>-->
<script type="text/javascript">
var wto;
jQuery('#CentralSpace').on('categoryTreeChanged', function(e,node)
// Debounce multiple events fired by the category tree
wto=setTimeout(function() {
// Reflect the change of the governing field into the following governed field condition checker
console.debug(" echo "DISPCOND CATTREE CHANGEGOVERNOR=".$fields[$cf]['ref']; ?>");
for (i = 0; i<categoryTreeChecksArray.length; i++) {
}, 200);
elseif(FIELD_TYPE_DYNAMIC_KEYWORDS_LIST == $fields[$cf]['type'])
if ($forsearchbar) {
if ($simple_search_show_dynamic_as_dropdown) {
$checkname = "nodes_searched[{$fields[$cf]['ref']}]";
$jquery_selector = "select[name=\"{$checkname}\"]";
else {
$jquery_selector = "input[name=\"field_{$fields[$cf]["name"]}\"]";
<!-- SETUP HANDLER FOR GOVERNOR= echo $fields[$cf]['ref']; ?> GOVERNED= echo $field['ref']; ?>-->
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(' echo $jquery_selector; ?>').change(function ()
// Reflect the change of the governing field into the following governed field condition checker
console.debug(" echo "DISPCOND DYNAMKKD CHANGEGOVERNOR=".$fields[$cf]['ref']." CHECK GOVERNED=".$field['ref']; ?>");
checkSearchDisplayCondition echo $field['ref']; ?>();
else { # Advanced search
<!-- SETUP HANDLER FOR GOVERNOR= echo $fields[$cf]['ref']; ?> GOVERNED= echo $field['ref']; ?>-->
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery('#CentralSpace').on('dynamicKeywordChanged', function(e,node)
// Reflect the change of the governing field into the following governed field condition checker
console.debug(" echo "DISPCOND DYNAMKWD CHANGEGOVERNOR=".$fields[$cf]['ref']." CHECK GOVERNED=".$field['ref']; ?>");
checkSearchDisplayCondition echo $field['ref']; ?>();
# Simple search will always display these types as dropdowns
if ($forsearchbar) {
$checkname = "nodes_searched[{$fields[$cf]['ref']}]";
$jquery_selector = "select[name=\"{$checkname}\"]";
# Advanced search will display these as dropdowns if marked as such, otherwise they are displayed as checkbox lists to allow OR selection
else {
# Prepare selector on the assumption that its an input element (ie. a checkbox list or a radio button or a dropdown displayed as checkbox list)
$checkname = "nodes_searched[{$fields[$cf]['ref']}][]";
$jquery_selector = "input[name=\"{$checkname}\"]";
# If however its a drop down list then we should be processing select elements
if ($fields[$cf]['display_as_dropdown'])
$checkname = "nodes_searched[{$fields[$cf]['ref']}]";
$jquery_selector = "select[name=\"{$checkname}\"]";
<!-- SETUP HANDLER FOR GOVERNOR= echo $fields[$cf]['ref']; ?> GOVERNED= echo $field['ref']; ?>-->
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(' echo $jquery_selector; ?>').change(function ()
// Reflect the change of the governing field into the following governed field condition checker
console.debug(" echo "DISPCOND CHANGEGOVERNOR=".$fields[$cf]['ref']." CHECK GOVERNED=".$field['ref']; ?>");
checkSearchDisplayCondition echo $field['ref']; ?>();
{ # Not one of the FIXED_LIST_FIELD_TYPES
<!-- SETUP HANDLER FOR GOVERNOR= echo $fields[$cf]['ref']; ?> GOVERNED= echo $field['ref']; ?>-->
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery('#field_ echo $fields[$cf]["ref"]; ?>').change(function ()
// Reflect the change of the governing field into the following governed field condition checker
checkSearchDisplayCondition echo $field['ref']; ?>();
} # see if next field needs to be checked
} # check next condition
echo "<!-- CHECK CONDITIONS FOR GOVERNED FIELD ".$field['name']." [".$field['ref']."] -->";
<script type="text/javascript">
checkSearchDisplayCondition echo $field["ref"];?> = function ()
// Is the governed field resource type ok; if not then no checking necessary as its already hidden
const conditionalquestion = document.getElementById("question_ echo $n ?>");
if (conditionalquestion != null && conditionalquestion.dataset?.resource_type_ok != "1") { return; }
// Check the node passed in from the changed governing field
var idname echo $field['ref']; ?> = " echo $forsearchbar?"#simplesearch_".$field['ref']:"#question_".$n; ?>";
var ixThisField;
// Get current display state for governed field ("block" or "none")
field echo $field['ref']; ?>status = jQuery(idname echo $field['ref']; ?>).css('display');
newfield echo $field['ref']; ?>status = 'none';
// Assume visible by default
field echo $field['ref']; ?>visibility = true;
foreach($scriptconditions as $scriptcondition)
echo "// Checking values on field ".$scriptcondition['field']."\n";
# Example of $scriptconditions: [{"field":"73","type":"3","display_as_dropdown":"0","valid":["267","266"]}]
if ($scriptcondition['type'] == FIELD_TYPE_CATEGORY_TREE) {
field echo $field['ref']; ?>valuefound = false;
fieldokvalues echo $scriptcondition['field']; ?> = echo json_encode($scriptcondition['valid']); ?>;
if (
$scriptcondition['type'] == FIELD_TYPE_DYNAMIC_KEYWORDS_LIST
&& $forsearchbar
&& !$simple_search_show_dynamic_as_dropdown
) {
// When a dynamic keyword list is rendered as regular input field on simple search, the valid values to check against are the text values (not nodes)
fieldokvalues echo $scriptcondition['field']; ?> = echo json_encode($scriptcondition['validtext']); ?>;
echo "// CHECK IF GOVERNING ".$scriptcondition['name']." [".$scriptcondition['field']."] VALUE(S) ENABLE DISPLAY";?>
# Generate the javascript code necessary to condition the rendered field based on value(s) present in the governing field
# Prepare base name for selector
$checkname = "nodes_searched[{$scriptcondition['field']}]";
$js_conditional_statement = "fieldokvalues{$scriptcondition['field']}.indexOf(element.value) != -1";
# Prepare fallback selector
$jquery_condition_selector = "input[name=\"{$checkname}\"]";
if(in_array($scriptcondition['type'], $FIXED_LIST_FIELD_TYPES))
# Append additional brackets rendered on category tree and dynamic keyword list hidden inputs
if (in_array($scriptcondition['type'], array(FIELD_TYPE_CATEGORY_TREE, FIELD_TYPE_DYNAMIC_KEYWORDS_LIST)) ) {
$jquery_condition_selector = "input[name=\"{$checkname}[]\"]";
# Prepare selector for a checkbox list or a radio button or a dropdown list
if (in_array($scriptcondition['type'], array(FIELD_TYPE_CHECK_BOX_LIST, FIELD_TYPE_RADIO_BUTTONS, FIELD_TYPE_DROP_DOWN_LIST))) {
# Simple search will always display these types as dropdowns, so search for selected option
if ($forsearchbar) {
$jquery_condition_selector = "select[name=\"{$checkname}\"] option:selected";
# Advanced search will display these as dropdowns if marked as such, otherwise they are displayed as checkbox lists to allow OR selection
else {
# Prepare selector on the assumption that its an input element (ie. a checkbox list or a radio button or a dropdown displayed as checkbox list)
# so search for checked boxes
$jquery_condition_selector = "input[name=\"{$checkname}[]\"]:checked:enabled";
# If however its a drop down list then we should be searching for selected option
if ($scriptcondition['display_as_dropdown'])
$jquery_condition_selector = "select[name=\"{$checkname}\"] option:selected";
# Prepare selector for unusual dynamic keyword list configurations
if (
$scriptcondition['type'] == FIELD_TYPE_DYNAMIC_KEYWORDS_LIST
&& $forsearchbar
) {
if($simple_search_show_dynamic_as_dropdown) {
# Prepare selector for a dynamic keyword list configured to display as a dropdown list on simple search
$jquery_condition_selector = "select[name=\"{$checkname}\"] option:selected";
} else {
# Prepare selector for a dynamic keyword list rendered as regular input field
$jquery_condition_selector = "input[name=\"field_{$scriptcondition['name']}\"]";
jQuery(' echo $jquery_condition_selector; ?>').each(function(index, element)
if( echo $js_conditional_statement; ?>)
// The governing node is in the list of qualifying node(s) which enable this governed field
field echo $field['ref']; ?>valuefound = true;
// If no governing node found then disable this governed field
if(!field echo $field['ref']; ?>valuefound)
field echo $field['ref']; ?>visibility = false;
echo "// End of checking values on field ".$scriptcondition['field']."\n\n ";
// If not yet defined, initialise an array of governed fields to be hidden when resetting simple search
if(typeof fieldsToHideOnClear == "undefined")
fieldsToHideOnClear = new Array();
// If the governed field is enabled then set it to display
if(field echo $field['ref']; ?>visibility)
newfield echo $field['ref']; ?>status = 'block';
// This governed field will be shown, so remove it from array of fields to hide when resetting simple search
ixThisField = fieldsToHideOnClear.indexOf(' echo $field["ref"]; ?>');
// This governed field will be hidden, so add it to array of fields to hide when resetting simple search
ixThisField = fieldsToHideOnClear.indexOf(' echo $field["ref"]; ?>');
if (ixThisField < 0)
fieldsToHideOnClear.push(' echo $field["ref"]; ?>');
// If the governed field display state has changed then enact the change by sliding
if ( newfield echo $field['ref']; ?>status != field echo $field['ref']; ?>status )
console.debug("IDNAME " + idname echo $field['ref']; ?>);
console.debug(" FIELD echo $field['ref']; ?> STATUS '" + field echo $field['ref']; ?>status+"'");
console.debug("NEWFIELD echo $field['ref']; ?> STATUS '" + newfield echo $field['ref']; ?>status+"'");
// Toggle the display state between "block" and "none", clearing any incomplete actions in the process
jQuery(idname echo $field['ref']; ?>).slideToggle(function()
console.debug("SLIDETOGGLE FIELD echo $field['ref']; ?>");
// If field is being made visible, check if section is visible and trigger the parent slide if not
if(newfield echo $field['ref']; ?>status == 'block' && jQuery(this).parent().css('display') == 'none') {
if ($forsearchbar) {
if ($field['type'] == FIELD_TYPE_CATEGORY_TREE) { ?>
jQuery('.search_tree_ echo $field['ref']; ?>_nodes').each(function(i, element){
} elseif (in_array($field['type'], $DATE_FIELD_TYPES)) { ?>
jQuery('#field_ echo $field['ref']; ?>-y').val('');
jQuery('#field_ echo $field['ref']; ?>-m').val('');
jQuery('#field_ echo $field['ref']; ?>-d').val('');
} else { ?>
jQuery(idname echo $field['ref']; ?> + ' #field_ echo $field['ref']; ?>').val('');
} ?>
// Adjust the border accordingly
if(jQuery(idname echo $field['ref']; ?>).css('display') == 'block')
jQuery(idname echo $field['ref']; ?>).css('border-top', '');
jQuery(idname echo $field['ref']; ?>).css('border-top', 'none');
if ($function_has_category_tree_check) {
categoryTreeChecksArray.push(checkSearchDisplayCondition echo $field["ref"];?>);
// add the display condition check to the clear function
} // Endif rendered field with a display condition
$is_search = true;
if (!$forsearchbar)
<div class="Question ConditionalVisibility" data-resource_type_ok="" data-for_resource_types="
// Add class for each supported resource type to allow showing/hiding on advanced search
if($field["resource_types"] == "Collections")
echo "Collections";
elseif($field["global"] == 1)
echo "Global";
echo (string)$field["resource_types"];
?>" id="question_ echo $n ?>" data-has_display_condition=" echo !$displaycondition ? '1' : '0'; ?>" data-question_field_ref=" echo $field['ref']; ?>"
if (strlen((string) $field["tooltip_text"])>=1)
echo "title=\"" . escape(lang_or_i18n_get_translated($field["tooltip_text"], "fieldtooltip-")) . "\"";
<label> echo escape(lang_or_i18n_get_translated($field["title"], "fieldtitle-")) ?></label>
<div class="SearchItem" id="simplesearch_ echo $field["ref"]; ?>" if (!$displaycondition || $simpleSearchFieldsAreHidden) {?>style="display:none;" } if (strlen($field["tooltip_text"] ?? "" ) >= 1){ echo "title=\"" . escape(lang_or_i18n_get_translated($field["tooltip_text"], "fieldtooltip-")) . "\"";} ?> ><label for="simplesearch_ echo $field["ref"]; ?>"> echo escape(lang_or_i18n_get_translated($field["title"], "fieldtitle-")) ?></label><br/>
#hook to modify field type in special case. Returning zero (to get a standard text box) doesn't work, so return 1 for type 0, 2 for type 1, etc.
# Generate markup for field
switch ($field["type"]) {
case $forsearchbar && $field["type"]==FIELD_TYPE_DYNAMIC_KEYWORDS_LIST && !$simple_search_show_dynamic_as_dropdown:
# Dynamic keyword list behaviour replaced with regular input field under these circumstances
if ((int)$field['field_constraint']==0)
?><input class=" echo escape($class) ?>" type=text name=" echo escape($name) ?>" id=" echo escape($id) ?>" value=" echo escape((string)$value)?>" if ($autoupdate) { ?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" } if(!$forsearchbar){ ?> onKeyPress="if (!(updating)) {setTimeout('UpdateResultCount()',2000);updating=true;}" } if($forsearchbar){?>onKeyUp="if('' != jQuery(this).val()){FilterBasicSearchOptions(' echo escape((string)$field["name"]) ?>',[ echo escape((string)$field["resource_types"]) ?>]);}" } ?>>
# Add to the clear function so clicking 'clear' clears this box.
$clear_function.="document.getElementById('field_" . ($forsearchbar? $field["ref"] : escape((string)$field["name"])) . "').value='';";
// number view - manipulate the form value (don't send these but send a compiled numrange value instead
elseif ((int)$field['field_constraint']==1)
// parse value for to/from simple search
echo escape($lang["from"]); ?><input id=" echo escape($name) ?>_min" onChange="jQuery('# echo escape($name) ?>').val('numrange'+jQuery(this).val().replace('-','neg')+'|'+jQuery('# echo escape($name) ?>_max').val().replace('-','neg'));" class="NumberSearchWidth" type="number" value=" echo escape($minvalue)?>"> echo escape($lang["to"]); ?><input id=" echo escape($name) ?>_max" onChange="jQuery('# echo escape($name) ?>').val('numrange'+jQuery('# echo escape($name) ?>_min').val().replace('-','neg')+'|'+jQuery(this).val().replace('-','neg'));" class="NumberSearchWidth" type="number" value=" echo escape($maxvalue)?>">
<input id=" echo escape($name) ?>" name=" echo escape($name) ?>" type="hidden" value=" echo escape($value) ?>">
# Add to the clear function so clicking 'clear' clears this box.
if ($forsearchbar && $autocomplete_search) {
# Auto-complete search functionality
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
jQuery("#field_ echo escape($field["ref"])?>").autocomplete( { source: " echo $baseurl?>/pages/ajax/autocomplete_search.php?field= echo escape($field["name"]) ?>&fieldref= echo escape($field["ref"]) ?>"} );
<div class="SearchItem">
case $forsearchbar && $field["type"]==FIELD_TYPE_DYNAMIC_KEYWORDS_LIST && $simple_search_show_dynamic_as_dropdown:
if(!hook("customchkboxes", "", array($field, $value, $autoupdate, $class, $forsearchbar, $limit_keywords)))
global $checkbox_ordered_vertically;
# -------- Show a check list or dropdown for dropdowns and check lists?
# By default show a checkbox list for both (for multiple selections this enabled OR functionality)
# Translate all options
if ($adjusted_dropdownoptions){$options=$adjusted_dropdownoptions;}
$node_options = array_column($field["node_options"], "name");
if((bool) $field['automatic_nodes_ordering'])
$field['node_options'] = reorder_nodes($field['node_options']);
$order_by_resetter = 0;
foreach($field['node_options'] as $node_index => $node)
// Special case for vertically ordered checkboxes.
// Order by needs to be reset as per the new order so that we can reshuffle them using the order by as a reference
$field['node_options'][$node_index]['order_by'] = $order_by_resetter++;
if ($field["display_as_dropdown"] || $forsearchbar)
# Show as a dropdown box
$name = "nodes_searched[{$field['ref']}]";
<select class=" echo escape($class) ?>" name=" echo escape($name) ?>" id=" echo escape($id) ?>"
if ($autoupdate) { ?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" }
if($forsearchbar){ ?>onChange="FilterBasicSearchOptions(' echo escape($field["name"]) ?>', echo escape(($field["global"] == 1 ? "[0]" : "[" . escape((string)$field["resource_types"]) . "]")) ?>);" } ?>>
<option value=""></option>
foreach($field['node_options'] as $node)
if('' != trim($node['name']))
<option value=" echo escape(trim($node['ref'])); ?>" if (0 < count($searched_nodes) && in_array($node['ref'], $searched_nodes)) { ?>selected } ?>> echo escape(trim(i18n_get_translated($node['name']))); ?></option>
// Add to the clear function so clicking 'clear' clears this box.
$clear_function .= "document.getElementById('{$id}').selectedIndex = -1;";
# Show as a checkbox list (default)
$l = average_length($node_options);
case $l > 40: $cols = 1; break;
case $l > 25: $cols = 2; break;
case $l > 15: $cols = 3; break;
case $l > 10: $cols = 4; break;
case $l > 5: $cols = 5; break;
default: $cols = 10;
$height = ceil(count($field['node_options']) / $cols);
global $checkbox_ordered_vertically, $checkbox_vertical_columns;
# ---------------- Vertical Ordering (only if configured) -----------
<table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
for($i = 0; $i < $height; $i++)
for($j = 0; $j < $cols; $j++)
$order_by = ($height * $j) + $i;
$node_index_to_be_reshuffled = array_search($order_by, array_column($field['node_options'], 'order_by', 'ref'));
if(false === $node_index_to_be_reshuffled)
$node = $field['node_options'][$node_index_to_be_reshuffled];
<td valign=middle>
<input id="nodes_searched_ echo $node['ref']; ?>" class="nodes_input_checkbox" type="checkbox" name="nodes_searched[ echo $field['ref']; ?>][]" value=" echo $node['ref']; ?>" if((0 < count($searched_nodes) && in_array($node['ref'], $searched_nodes)) || in_array(i18n_get_translated($node['name']),$setnames)) { ?>checked } ?> if($autoupdate) { ?>onClick="UpdateResultCount();" } ?>>
<label class="customFieldLabel" for="nodes_searched_ echo $node['ref']; ?>">
echo escape(i18n_get_translated($node['name'])); ?>
# ---------------- Horizontal Ordering (Standard) ---------------------
<table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
foreach($field['node_options'] as $node)
if($wrap > $cols)
$wrap = 1;
if('' != $node['name'])
<td valign=middle>
<input id="nodes_searched_ echo $node['ref']; ?>" class="nodes_input_checkbox" type="checkbox" name="nodes_searched[ echo $field['ref']; ?>][]" value=" echo $node['ref']; ?>" if ((0 < count($searched_nodes) && in_array($node['ref'], $searched_nodes)) || in_array(i18n_get_translated($node['name']),$setnames)) {?>checked } ?> if ($autoupdate) { ?>onClick="UpdateResultCount();" } ?>>
<label class="customFieldLabel" for="nodes_searched_ echo $node['ref']; ?>">
echo escape(i18n_get_translated($node['name'])); ?>
if (!$forsearchbar && $daterange_search)
render_date_range_field($name, $value, true, $autoupdate, array(), $reset);
$found_year = $s[0];
$found_month = (array_key_exists(1, $s)) ? $s[1] : '';
$found_day = (array_key_exists(2, $s)) ? $s[2] : '';
<select name=" echo escape($name);?>-y" id=" echo $id?>-y" class="SearchWidth if ($forsearchbar){ echo "Half";} ?>" style="width:120px;" if ($autoupdate) { ?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" } ?>>
<option value=""> echo escape($lang["anyyear"])?></option>
$y += $maxyear_extends_current;
for ($d=$y;$d>=$minyear;$d--)
?><option if ($d==$found_year) { ?>selected } ?>> echo $d?></option>
if ($forsearchbar && $searchbyday) { ?><br /> } ?>
<select name=" echo escape($name);?>-m" id=" echo $id?>-m" class="SearchWidth if ($forsearchbar){ echo "Half SearchWidthRight";} ?>" style="width:120px;" if ($autoupdate) { ?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" } ?>>
<option value=""> echo escape($lang["anymonth"])?></option>
for ($d=1;$d<=12;$d++)
?><option if ($d==$found_month) { ?>selected } ?> value=" echo $m?>"> echo escape($lang["months"][$d-1])?></option>
if (!$forsearchbar || ($forsearchbar && $searchbyday))
<select name=" echo escape($name);?>-d" id=" echo $id?>-d" class="SearchWidth if ($forsearchbar){ echo "Half";} ?>" style="width:120px;" if ($autoupdate) { ?>onChange="UpdateResultCount();" } ?>>
<option value=""> echo escape($lang["anyday"])?></option>
for ($d=1;$d<=31;$d++)
?><option if ($d==$found_day) { ?>selected } ?> value=" echo $m?>"> echo $m?></option>
# Add to the clear function so clicking 'clear' clears this box.
document.getElementById('field_" . $field["ref"] . "-y').selectedIndex=0;
document.getElementById('field_" . $field["ref"] . "-m').selectedIndex=0;
$clear_function.="document.getElementById('field_" . $field["ref"] . "-d').selectedIndex=0;";
global $category_tree_add_parents, $category_tree_search_use_and;
$set = preg_split('/[;\|]/', cleanse_string($value, true));
$name = "nodes_searched[{$field['ref']}][]";
For search, category trees work slightly different than the intended behaviour shown in edit_fields/7.php:
Intended behaviour:
1. Selecting a sub (child) node will automatically select all parent nodes up to and including the root level,
unless the option $category_tree_add_parents is set to false
On search this should work like this:
Selecting a sub (child) node will NOT select all parent nodes unless the system is configured to search using AND
$category_tree_add_parents = $category_tree_search_use_and;
$original_category_tree_open = $category_tree_open;
$category_tree_open = true;
$treeonly = true;
$status_box_elements = '';
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery('#SearchBox').on('categoryTreeChanged', function(e,node)
FilterBasicSearchOptions(' echo escape($field["name"]) ?>',[ echo escape((string)$field["resource_types"]) ?>]);
foreach($searched_nodes as $node)
$n_details = array();
if(get_node($node, $n_details)===false)
if($n_details["resource_type_field"] != $field["ref"])
// Show previously searched options on the status box
$status_box_elements .= "
<div id=\"tree_{$field['ref']}_selected_{$n_details['ref']}\" class=\"tree_{$field['ref']}_options_status\">
<span id=\"nodes_searched_{$field['ref']}_statusbox_option_{$n_details['ref']}\">{$n_details['name']}</span><br />
<div id="field_ echo escape($field['name']); ?>">
<div id="nodes_searched_ echo $field['ref']; ?>_statusbox" class="MiniCategoryBox">
echo $status_box_elements; ?>
<a href="#"
jQuery('#cattree_ echo $field['name']; ?>').slideToggle();
return false;"> echo escape($lang['showhidetree']); ?></a>
<div id="cattree_ echo $field['name']; ?>" class="RecordPanel PopupCategoryTree">
include __DIR__ . '/../pages/edit_fields/7.php';
// Reset category_tree_open because normally searchbar occurs before edit/ advanced search page
$category_tree_open = $original_category_tree_open;
# Add to clear function
$clear_function .= "
'core' : {
'themes' : {
'name' : 'default-dark',
'icons': false
/* remove the hidden inputs */
var elements = document.getElementsByName('nodes_searched[{$field['ref']}][]');
/* update status box */
var node_statusbox = document.getElementById('nodes_searched_{$field['ref']}_statusbox');
# For advanced search and elsewhere, include the category tree.
include __DIR__ . "/../pages/edit_fields/7.php";
include __DIR__ . '/../pages/edit_fields/9.php';
// auto save is not needed when searching
$edit_autosave = false;
$display_as_radiobuttons = false;
$display_as_checkbox = true;
$name = "nodes_searched[{$field['ref']}][]";
if($forsearchbar || $field['display_as_dropdown'])
$display_as_dropdown = true;
$display_as_checkbox = false;
$name = "nodes_searched[{$field['ref']}]";
$clear_function .= "document.getElementsByName('{$name}')[0].selectedIndex = -1;";
include __DIR__ . '/../pages/edit_fields/12.php';
// need to adjust the field's name value
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery("#field_ echo $field['ref']; ?>").attr('name', 'field_ echo $field["name"]; ?>');
<div class="clearerleft"> </div>
<!-- ************************************************ -->
} # End of render_search_field
This article was last updated 14th March 2025 12:35 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 14th February 2025 14:00 Europe/London time.