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Send system notifications to specified users, checking the user preferences first if specified

This will contain two arrays:-
"emails" array of emails sent, with the following elements:-
"email" => Email address
"subject" => Email subject
"body" => Body text

"messages" Array of system messages sent with the following elements :-
"user" => User ID
"message" => message text
"url" => url


$users array Array of user IDs or array of user details from get_users()
$notifymessage ResourceSpaceUserNotification An instance of a ResourceSpaceUserNotification object holding message properties
$forcemail bool false Force system to send email instead of notification?


array Array containing resulting messages - can be used for testing when emails are not being sent


include/message_functions.php lines 915 to 1047


function send_user_notification(array $users$notifymessage$forcemail false)

// Need to global $applicationname as it is used inside the lang files
global $applicationname;
$userlanguages = []; // This stores the users in their relevant language key element

    // Set up $results array
$results = [];
$results["messages"] = [];
$results["emails"] = [];
    foreach (
$users as $notify_user) {
$userdetails $notify_user;
        if (!
is_array($userdetails)) {
$userdetails get_user((int)$userdetails);
        } elseif (!isset(
$userdetails["lang"])) {
// Need full user info
$userdetails get_user($userdetails["ref"]);
        if (!
$userdetails) {

$send_message true;
// Check if preferences should prevent the notification from being sent
if (isset($notifymessage->user_preference) && is_array($notifymessage->user_preference)) {
            foreach (
$notifymessage->user_preference as $preference => $vals) {
                if (
$preference != "") {
$requiredvalue  = (bool)$vals["requiredvalue"];
$default        = (bool)$vals["default"];
get_config_option($userdetails['ref'], $preference$check_pref$default);
debug(" - Required preference: " $preference " = " . ($requiredvalue "TRUE" "FALSE"));
debug(" - User preference value: " $preference " = " . ($check_pref "TRUE" "FALSE"));
                    if (
$check_pref != $requiredvalue) {
debug("Skipping notification to user #" $userdetails['ref']);
$send_message false;
        if (!
$send_message) {
debug("Sending notification to user #" $userdetails["ref"]);
get_config_option($userdetails['ref'], 'email_user_notifications'$send_email);
        if (!isset(
$userlanguages[$userdetails['lang']])) {
$userlanguages[$userdetails['lang']] = [];
$userlanguages[$userdetails['lang']]["emails"] = [];
$userlanguages[$userdetails['lang']]["message_users"] = [];
        if ((
$send_email && filter_var($userdetails["email"], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) || $forcemail) {
debug("Sending email to user #" $userdetails["ref"]);
$userlanguages[$userdetails['lang']]["emails"][] = $userdetails["email"];
        } else {
debug("Sending system message to user #" $userdetails["ref"]);
$userlanguages[$userdetails['lang']]["message_users"][] = $userdetails["ref"];
$url $notifymessage->url ?? null;
$headerimghtml "";
    if (!isset(
$notifymessage->template)) {
// Add header image to email if not using template
$img_url get_header_image(true);
$img_div_style 'float: left;width: 100%;max-height:50px;padding: 5px;';
$img_div_style .= "background: " . ((isset($header_colour_style_override) && $header_colour_style_override != '') ? $header_colour_style_override "#fff") . ";";

$headerimghtml .= '<div style="' $img_div_style '">';
$headerimghtml .= '<div style="float: left;">';
$headerimghtml .= '<div>';

$headerimghtml .= '<img src="' $img_url '" style="max-height:50px;"  />';
$headerimghtml .= '</div></div></div><br /><br />';

    foreach (
$userlanguages as $userlanguage => $notifications) {
debug("Processing notifications for language: '" $userlanguage "'");
// Save the current lang array
$saved_lang $lang;
        if (
$userlanguage != "en") {
            if (
substr($userlanguage21) == '-' && substr($userlanguage02) != 'en') {
$langpath __DIR__ "/../languages/" safe_file_name(substr($userlanguage02)) . ".php";
                if (
file_exists($langpath)) {
$langpath __DIR__ "/../languages/" safe_file_name($userlanguage) . ".php";
            if (
file_exists($langpath)) {

# Register plugin languages in reverse order
for ($n count($plugins) - 1$n >= 0$n--) {
            if (!isset(
$plugins[$n])) {

// Load in the correct language strings

$subject $notifymessage->get_subject();
$messagetext $notifymessage->get_text();
        if (
count($notifications["message_users"]) > 0) {
$activitytype $notifymessage->eventdata["type"] ?? null;
$relatedactivity $notifymessage->eventdata["ref"] ?? null;
            foreach (
$notifications["message_users"] as $notifyuser) {
$results["messages"][] = ["user" => $notifyuser,"message" => $messagetext,"url" => $url];
message_add($notifications["message_users"], $messagetext, (string) $url$userrefMESSAGE_ENUM_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_SCREENMESSAGE_DEFAULT_TTL_SECONDS$activitytype$relatedactivity);
        if (
count($notifications["emails"]) > 0) {
            if (!empty(
$url) && !is_null($url) && strpos($messagetext$url) === false) {
// Add the URL to the message if not already present
$messagetext $messagetext "<br /><br /><a href='" $url "'>" $url "</a>";

            foreach (
$notifications["emails"] as $emailrecipient) {
send_mail($emailrecipient$subject$headerimghtml $messagetext""""$notifymessage->template$notifymessage->templatevars);
$results["emails"][] = ["email" => $emailrecipient,"subject" => $subject,"body" => $headerimghtml $messagetext];

            foreach (
$notifications["message_users"] as $notifyuser) {
$results[$notifyuser] = ["type" => "messsage","body" => $messagetext];
// Restore the saved $lang array
$lang $saved_lang;

This article was last updated 14th March 2025 12:35 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 21st January 2025 15:20 Europe/London time.