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Action functions
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API functions
Collections functions
Comment functions
Config functions
CSV export functions
Dash functions
Debug functions
Encryption functions
Facial recognition functions
File functions
General functions
Language functions
Log functions
Login functions
Message functions
Migration functions
Node functions
PDF functions
Plugin functions
Render functions
Reporting functions
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Research functions
Slideshow functions
Theme permission functions
User functions
Video functions
Database functions
Metadata functions
Resource functions
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Tab functions
Test functions

Table: user

Stores all ResourceSpace users.

refint(11)Auto incrementing index
usernamevarchar(50)Username - users use this to log in
passwordvarchar(64)One way encrypted password, using hash chaining to support/upgrade old hash algorithms. Can store the password in plain text and it will be encrypted when the user next logs in.
fullnamevarchar(100)User full name - used for display purposes
emailvarchar(100)Email address
usergroupint(11)See table usergroup
last_activedatetimeDate of last ResourceSpace activity
logged_inint(11)Is user currently logged in?
last_browsertextBrowser user agent string
last_ipvarchar(100)Client IP last used to access ResourceSpace
current_collectionint(11)ID of current selected collection
accepted_termsint(11)Has user accepted terms? (if $terms_login=true)
account_expiresdatetimeExpiration date of account
commentstextFor admin use
sessionvarchar(50)Current session ID
ip_restricttextOnly permit access from the given IPs. Uses wildcards instead of CIDR notation i.e. 192.168.*, not 192.168.0/24
search_filter_overridetext(deprecated) Old search filter string
password_last_changedatetimeLast password change date
login_triesint(11)Number of failed logins
login_last_trydatetimeTimestamp of last failed login
approvedint(11)Approval state. 0 = not approved, 1 = approved, 2 = disabled
langvarchar(11)User's preferred language code
createdtimestampAccount creation date
hidden_collectionstextComma separated list of hidden collections
password_reset_hashvarchar(100)Used for password reset links
originvarchar(50)Origin of account. Normally 'resourcespace' but may be set by plugins e.g. simplesaml, simpleldap
unique_hashvarchar(50)Used for antispam code
csrf_tokenvarchar(255)Not currently used
search_filter_o_idint(11)Search filter ID - overrides any filter set at usergroup level
profile_imagetextThe path to an optional image of the user, uploaded via the My Profile page.
profile_textvarchar(500)The user's profile text, entered via the My Profile page.
email_invalidint(1)Sets that the e-mail is invalid and not to be used - is set externally via the API call mark_email_as_invalid() e.g. from a script processing bounced e-mails.
email_rate_limit_activeint(1)Sets that the e-mail rate limit is currently active. E-mails will not be sent if this is true.
processing_messagestextMessage text displayed in overlay when processing data e.g. uploading resources.

This table is empty by default.

Please see the schema overview for context. This document was last updated on the 16th of March 2025 at 16:35 (Europe/London time).