

Retrieve promoted collections to be displayed on the home page.

This function fetches public collections that are marked for publishing to the home page.
It returns an array of collection data, including metadata and thumbnail information for the
home page image if one is assigned.

- 'ref' (int): The unique identifier for the collection.
- 'type' (int): The type identifier for the collection.
- 'name' (string): The name of the collection.
- 'home_page_publish' (int): Indicates if the collection is published on the home page.
- 'home_page_text' (string): Display text for the collection for the home page.
- 'home_page_image' (int): Resource ID for the image displayed on the home page.
- 'thumb_height' (int): Thumbnail height of the associated image.
- 'thumb_width' (int): Thumbnail width of the associated image.
- 'resource_type' (int): The type of the associated resource.
- 'file_extension' (string): File extension of the associated resource.


This function accepts no parameters.


array An array of associative arrays representing each promoted collection, with keys:


include/collections_functions.php lines 3538 to 3543


function get_home_page_promoted_collections()
$public_types join(", "$COLLECTION_PUBLIC_TYPES); // Note this is a constant and not user input - does not need to be a a parameter in the next line.
return ps_query("select collection.ref, collection.`type`,,collection.home_page_publish,collection.home_page_text,collection.home_page_image,resource.thumb_height,resource.thumb_width, resource.resource_type, resource.file_extension from collection left outer join resource on collection.home_page_image=resource.ref where collection.`type` IN ({$public_types}) and collection.home_page_publish=1 order by collection.ref desc");

This article was last updated 14th March 2025 20:35 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 11th March 2025 11:35 Europe/London time.