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Generates an external access key for a resource, allowing specified access to a user or group.

This function creates a unique access key and stores it in the database along with
information about the resource, the user, the type of access granted,
expiration date, email, and user group. It also hashes the share password if provided.


$resource int The resource reference for which the access key is being generated.
$userref int The user reference for the user to whom access is granted.
$access int The level of access granted (e.g., full access, restricted).
$expires string|null The expiration date of the access key, formatted as 'Y-m-d'.
$email string The email address associated with the user receiving the access key.
$group string "" The user group associated with the access, defaults to the current user group if not specified.
$sharepwd string "" The share password, if any, used to secure access.


string|bool Returns the generated access key on success, or false if permissions are insufficient.


include/resource_functions.php lines 6015 to 6042


function generate_resource_access_key($resource$userref$access$expires$email$group ""$sharepwd "")
    if (
checkperm("noex")) {
// Shouldn't ever happen, but catch in case not already checked
return false;

    if (
$group == "" || !checkperm("x")) {
$group $usergroup;
# Default to sharing with the permission of the current usergroup if not specified OR no access to alternative group selection.
$k substr(md5(time()), 010);
"insert into external_access_keys(resource,access_key,user,access,expires,email,date,usergroup,password_hash) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,now(), ?, ?);",
's', ((!validateDatetime($expires'Y-m-d')) ? null $expires),
's', (($sharepwd != "" && $sharepwd != "(unchanged)") ? hash('sha256'$k $sharepwd $scramble_key) : null)
hook("generate_resource_access_key""", array($resource,$k,$userref,$email,$access,$expires,$group));

This article was last updated 17th March 2025 20:35 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 6th March 2025 14:30 Europe/London time.