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Generate the first half of the "guts" of a plugin setup page from a page definition array. This
function deals with processing the POST that comes (usually) as a result of clicking on the Save
Configuration button.

The page definition array is typically constructed by a series of calls to config_add_xxxx
functions (see below). See the setup page for the sample plugin for information on how to use
this and the associated functions.

If wishing to store array of values in one config option, in your setup page have something like the
following which adds a single definition for each key of your config option:
foreach($usergroups as $k => $group)
global $usergroupemails;
if(!isset($usergroupemails[$group["ref"]])){$usergroupemails[$group["ref"]]=array();} // Define any missing keys
$page_def[] = config_add_text_list_input("usergroupemails[".$group["ref"]."]",$group["name"]); //need to pass a string that looks like: "$configoption["key"]"
The key can consist of numbers, letters or an underscore contained within "" or ''. If using numbers you don't need the quote marks

each of which describes how one of the plugin's configuration variables.


mixed $page_def an array whose elements are generated by calls to config_add_xxxx functions
string $plugin_name the name of the plugin for which the function is being invoked.


void|string Returns NULL


include/plugin_functions.php lines 418 to 484


function config_gen_setup_post($page_def,$plugin_name)
getval('submit''') != '' || getval('save','') != '') && enforcePostRequest(false))
        foreach (
$page_def as $def)
$omit false;
$curr_post==""){continue;} //Ignore if Array already handled or blank
foreach($curr_post as $key => $val)
$config[$array][$key] = explode(','$val);
$GLOBALS[$array][$key] = explode(','$val);
$_POST[$array]); //Unset once array has been handled to prevent duplicate changes
$config_global=(isset($GLOBALS[$def[1]]) ? $GLOBALS[$def[1]] :false);
                switch (
$omit true;
$omit true;
$pval getval($def[1],'');
$GLOBALS[$def[1]] = (trim($pval) != '') ? explode(',',$pval) : array();
$def1_is_array is_array($GLOBALS[$def[1]]);
$GLOBALS[$def[1]] = getval(
$def1_is_array ? [] : '',
$def1_is_array 'is_array' null

hook('custom_config_post''', array($def$config$omit$config_global));

            if (!
        if (

This article was last updated 14th March 2025 12:35 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 14th March 2025 12:10 Europe/London time.