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Functions used (mostly) to generate the content needed for CSV files

Generates the CSV content of the metadata for resources passed in the array
The CSV is echoed to output for direct download or saved to a file


$resources array array of resource ids to create a CSV for
$personal bool false flag to include only fields expected to include personal data
$alldata bool false flag to include extra data from the resource table
$outputfile string "" optional file path to output CSV to


bool|void TRUE if the file has been created, void if the data has been sent as a direct download


include/csv_export_functions.php lines 18 to 201


function generateResourcesMetadataCSV(array $resources$personal false$alldata false$outputfile "")

// Write the CSV to a disk to avoid memory issues with large result sets
$tempcsv trim($outputfile) != "" $outputfile get_temp_dir() . "/csv_export_" uniqid() . ".csv";

$csv_field_headers      = array();
$csvoptions = array("csvexport" => true,"personal" => $personal,"alldata" => $alldata);
$allfields get_resource_type_fields("""order_by""asc");
$cache_location get_temp_dir();
$cache_data = array();
$restypearr get_resource_types();
$resource_types = array();
// Sort into array with ids as keys
foreach ($restypearr as $restype) {
$resource_types[$restype["ref"]] = $restype;

$field_restypes get_resource_type_field_resource_types();

// Break resources up into smaller arrays to avoid hitting memory limits
$resourcebatches array_chunk($resources2000);

$csv_field_headers["resource_type"] = $lang["resourcetype"];
$csv_field_headers["status"] = $lang['status'];
$csv_field_headers["created_by"] = $lang["contributedby"];
    if (
$alldata) {
$csv_field_headers["access"] = $lang['access'];
    if (
$file_checksums && $alldata) {
$csv_field_headers["file_checksum"] = $lang["filechecksum"];
// Add original size URL column
if ($csv_export_add_original_size_url_column) {
$csv_field_headers['original_link'] = $lang['collection_download_original'];

    for (
$n 0$n count($resourcebatches); $n++) {
$resources_fields_data = array();
$fullresdata get_resource_field_data_batch($resourcebatches[$n], true$k != ''true$csvoptions);

// Get data for all resources
$resource_data_array get_resource_data_batch($resourcebatches[$n]);
        foreach (
$resourcebatches[$n] as $resource) {
$resdata = isset($resource_data_array[$resource]) ? $resource_data_array[$resource] : false;
            if (!
$resdata || checkperm("T" $resdata["resource_type"])) {

// Add resource type
$restype get_resource_type_name($resdata["resource_type"]);
$resources_fields_data[$resource]["resource_type"] = $restype;

// Add resource status
$resources_fields_data[$resource]['status'] = $lang["status{$resource_data_array[$resource]['archive']}"] ?? $lang['unknown'];

            if (
$alldata) {
// Add resource access
$resources_fields_data[$resource]['access'] = $lang["access{$resource_data_array[$resource]['access']}"] ?? $lang['unknown'];

// Add contributor
$udata get_user($resdata["created_by"]);
            if (
$udata !== false) {
$resources_fields_data[$resource]["created_by"] = (trim($udata["fullname"] ?? "") != "" $udata["fullname"] :  $udata["username"]);

            if (
$alldata) {
                if (isset(
$csv_export_add_data_fields)) {
                    foreach (
$csv_export_add_data_fields as $addfield) {
$resources_fields_data[$resource][$addfield["column"]] = $resdata[$addfield["column"]];
$csv_field_headers[$addfield["column"]] = $addfield["title"];
                if (
$file_checksums) {
$resources_fields_data[$resource]["file_checksum"] = $resdata["file_checksum"];

            foreach (
$allfields as $restypefield) {
                if (
$personal || $restypefield["personal_data"])
$alldata || $restypefield["include_in_csv_export"])
$field_restypes[$restypefield["ref"]]) && in_array($resdata["resource_type"], $field_restypes[$restypefield["ref"]])
                ) {
                    if (!isset(
$csv_field_headers[$restypefield["ref"]])) {
$csv_field_headers[$restypefield["ref"]] = $restypefield['title'];
// Check if the resource has a value for this field in the data retrieved
if (isset($fullresdata[$resource])) {
$resdataidx array_search($restypefield["ref"], array_column($fullresdata[$resource], 'ref'));
$fieldvalue = ($resdataidx !== false) ? $fullresdata[$resource][$resdataidx]["value"] : "";
$resources_fields_data[$resource][$restypefield['ref']] = $fieldvalue;

/*Provide the original URL only if we have access to the resource or the user group
            doesn't have restricted access to the original size*/
$access get_resource_access($resdata);
            if (
!= $access || resource_has_access_denied_by_RT_size($resdata['resource_type'], '')) {
            if (
$csv_export_add_original_size_url_column) {
$filepath      get_resource_path($resourcetrue''false$resdata['file_extension'], -11false'', -1false);
$original_link get_resource_path($resourcefalse''false$resdata['file_extension'], -11false'', -1false);
                if (
file_exists($filepath)) {
$resources_fields_data[$resource]['original_link'] = $original_link;

        if (
count($resources_fields_data) > 0) {
// Save data to temporay files in order to prevent memory limits being reached
$tempjson json_encode($resources_fields_data);
$cache_data[$n] = $cache_location "/csv_export_" md5($scramble_key $tempjson) . ".json"// Scrambled path to cache
file_put_contents($cache_data[$n], $tempjson);
$tempjson null;

$csv_field_headers array_unique($csv_field_headers);

// Header
$header "\"" $lang['resourceids'] . "\",\"" implode('","'$csv_field_headers) . "\"\n";

// Results
for ($n 0$n count($resourcebatches); $n++) {
$filedata "";
$resources_fields_data = array();
        if (
file_exists($cache_data[$n])) {
$resources_fields_data json_decode(file_get_contents($cache_data[$n]), true);
        if (
is_null($resources_fields_data)) {
$resources_fields_data = array();

        foreach (
$resources_fields_data as $resource_id => $resource_fields) {
// First column will always be Resource ID
$csv_row $resource_id ',';

// Field values
foreach ($csv_field_headers as $column_header => $column_header_title) {
                if (!
array_key_exists($column_header$resource_fields)) {
$csv_row .= '"",';

                foreach (
$resource_fields as $field_name => $field_value) {
                    if (
$column_header == $field_name) {
$csv_row .= '"' str_replace(array("\""), array("\"\""), i18n_get_translated($field_value)) . '",';

$csv_row rtrim($csv_row',');
$csv_row .= "\n";
$filedata .= $csv_row;

// Add this data to the file and delete disk copy of array
        if (
file_exists($cache_data[$n])) {

    if (
$outputfile != "") {
// Data has been saved to file, just return
return true;

// Echo the data for immediate download
echo file_get_contents($tempcsv);

This article was last updated 14th March 2025 13:05 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 17th January 2025 17:40 Europe/London time.