Coding standards
Security in ResourceSpace
Developer reference
Action functions
Admin functions
Ajax functions
Annotation functions
API functions
Collections functions
Comment functions
Config functions
CSV export functions
Dash functions
Debug functions
Encryption functions
Facial recognition functions
File functions
General functions
Language functions
Log functions
Login functions
Message functions
Migration functions
Node functions
PDF functions
Plugin functions
Render functions
Reporting functions
Request functions
Research functions
Slideshow functions
Theme permission functions
User functions
Video functions
Database functions
Metadata functions
Resource functions
Search functions
Map functions
Job functions
Tab functions
Test functions

Table: report

Reports as listed in the admin area.

refint(11)Auto incrementing index
namevarchar(100)Report name.
querytextSQL defining the report.
support_non_correlated_sqltinyint(1)Can this report run on search results? 1 - yes, 0 - no.

Default contents are as follows.

1Values used in resource editsSELECT TRIM( RIGHT ( diff, LENGTH ( diff ) - LOCATE ( '\n+', diff ) - 2 ) ) AS `Value`, count(*) AS `Count` FROM resource_log WHERE type = 'e' # --- date ranges # Make sure date is greater than FROM date and date > DATE('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') # Make sure date is less than TO date and date > DATE('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]') group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 5000; 0
2Keywords used in searchesselect k.keyword 'Keyword',sum(count) Searches from keyword k,daily_stat d where k.ref=d.object_ref and d.activity_type='Keyword usage' # --- date ranges # Make sure date is greater than FROM date and ( d.year>[from-y] or (d.year=[from-y] and d.month>[from-m]) or (d.year=[from-y] and d.month=[from-m] and>=[from-d]) ) # Make sure date is less than TO date and ( d.year<[to-y] or (d.year=[to-y] and d.month<[to-m]) or (d.year=[to-y] and d.month=[to-m] and<=[to-d]) ) group by k.ref order by Searches desc 0
3Resource download summary select r.ref 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) AS 'Title', count(*) Downloads from resource_log rl join resource r on rl.resource=r.ref where rl.type='d' and>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) group by r.ref order by 'Downloads' desc 0
4Resource views select r.ref 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) 'Title',sum(count) Views from resource r,daily_stat d where r.ref=d.object_ref and d.activity_type='Resource view' # --- date ranges # Make sure date is greater than FROM date and ( d.year>[from-y] or (d.year=[from-y] and d.month>[from-m]) or (d.year=[from-y] and d.month=[from-m] and>=[from-d]) ) # Make sure date is less than TO date and ( d.year<[to-y] or (d.year=[to-y] and d.month<[to-m]) or (d.year=[to-y] and d.month=[to-m] and<=[to-d]) ) group by r.ref order by Views desc; 0
5Resources sent via e-mail select r.ref 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) 'Title',sum(count) Sent from resource r,daily_stat d where r.ref=d.object_ref and d.activity_type='E-mailed resource' # --- date ranges # Make sure date is greater than FROM date and ( d.year>[from-y] or (d.year=[from-y] and d.month>[from-m]) or (d.year=[from-y] and d.month=[from-m] and>=[from-d]) ) # Make sure date is less than TO date and ( d.year<[to-y] or (d.year=[to-y] and d.month<[to-m]) or (d.year=[to-y] and d.month=[to-m] and<=[to-d]) ) group by r.ref order by Sent desc; 0
6Resources added to collection select cl.resource 'Resource', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = cl.resource AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) 'Title', count(*) 'Collection Add Count' from collection_log cl where BINARY cl.type='a' and>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) group by resource order by resource; 0
7Resources created select 'Date / Time', concat(u.username,' (',u.fullname,' )') 'Created By User', 'User Group', r.ref 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) 'Resource Title' from resource_log rl join resource r on r.ref=rl.resource left outer join user u on rl.user=u.ref left outer join usergroup g on u.usergroup=g.ref where rl.type='c' and>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) order by 0
8Resources with zero downloads select ref 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = resource.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) 'Title' from resource where ref > 0 and ref not in ( select object_ref from daily_stat WHERE activity_type='Resource download' AND ( year>[from-y] or (year=[from-y] and month>[from-m]) or (year=[from-y] and month=[from-m] and day>=[from-d]) ) AND ( year<[to-y] or (year=[to-y] and month<[to-m]) or (year=[to-y] and month=[to-m] and day<=[to-d]) ) group by object_ref ) AND DATE_FORMAT(creation_date, '%Y-%m-%d')<=date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]') AND ref>0 0
9Resources with zero views select ref 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = resource.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) 'Title' from resource where ref not in ( SELECT object_ref FROM daily_stat d WHERE d.activity_type='Resource view' AND ( year>[from-y] or (year=[from-y] and month>[from-m]) or (year=[from-y] and month=[from-m] and day>=[from-d]) ) AND ( year<[to-y] or (year=[to-y] and month<[to-m]) or (year=[to-y] and month=[to-m] and day<=[to-d]) ) group by object_ref ) AND DATE_FORMAT(creation_date, '%Y-%m-%d')<=date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]') AND ref>0 0
10Resource downloads by group select 'Group Name', count(rl.resource) 'Resource Downloads' from resource_log rl join resource r on r.ref=rl.resource left outer join user u on rl.user=u.ref left outer join usergroup g on u.usergroup=g.ref where rl.type='d' and>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) group by g.ref order by 'Resource Downloads' desc 0
11Resource download detail select 'Date / Time', concat(u.username,' (',u.fullname,' )') 'Downloaded By User', 'User Group', r.ref 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) 'Resource Title', 'Resource Type' from resource_log rl join resource r on r.ref=rl.resource left outer join user u on rl.user=u.ref left outer join usergroup g on u.usergroup=g.ref left outer join resource_type rt on r.resource_type=rt.ref where rl.type='d' and>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) order by 0
12User details including group allocationselect u.username 'Username', 'E-mail address', u.fullname 'Full Name', u.created 'Created', u.last_active 'Last Seen', 'Group name' from user u join usergroup g on u.usergroup=g.ref order by username; 0
13Expired Resources select distinct resource.ref 'Resource ID',resource.field8 'Resource Title', 'Expires' from resource join resource_node on resource.ref=resource_node.resource join node on node.ref=resource_node.node join resource_type_field on node.resource_type_field=resource_type_field.ref where resource_type_field.type=6 and>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) and length(>0 and resource.ref>0 order by resource.ref; 0
14Resources created - with thumbnails select r.ref 'thumbnail', 'Date / Time', concat(u.username,' (',u.fullname,' )') 'Created By User', 'User Group', r.ref 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) 'Resource Title' from resource_log rl join resource r on r.ref=rl.resource left outer join user u on rl.user=u.ref left outer join usergroup g on u.usergroup=g.ref where rl.type='c' and>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) order by; 0
16Database statistics select (select count(*) from resource) as 'Total resources', (select count(*) from keyword) 'Total keywords', (select count(*) from node) as 'Total nodes (field options)', (select count(*) from resource_node) as 'Resource - node (field option) relationships', (select count(*) from collection) as 'Total collections', (select count(*) from collection_resource) as 'Collection resource relationships', (select count(*) from user) as 'Total users'; 0
17Mail Log SELECT ml.ref, date, mail_to 'TO', IFNULL(u.username, 'SYSTEM') 'FROM', subject, sender_email FROM mail_log ml LEFT JOIN user u ON u.ref=ml.mail_from WHERE date>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and date<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) ORDER BY ml.ref DESC 0
18Resource comments SELECT c.ref 'Ref', c.created 'Date', c.resource_ref 'Resource ID', c.resource_ref 'thumbnail', c.body 'Comment', ifnull(concat(u.username,' (',u.fullname,')'),concat('ANONYMOUS: ',c.fullname,' (',c.website_url,')')) 'User', ifnull(, Email FROM comment c LEFT JOIN user u ON u.ref=c.user_ref WHERE c.created>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and c.created<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) order by c.created DESC;0
19File integrity check report SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'Oldest' AS State, ref 'Resource', ifnull(last_verified,'NEVER') 'Verified' FROM resource WHERE ref>0 AND integrity_fail=0 ORDER BY last_verified ASC LIMIT 1) AS a UNION ALL SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'Newest' AS State, ref 'Resource', ifnull(last_verified,'NEVER') 'Verified' FROM resource WHERE ref>0 AND integrity_fail=0 ORDER BY last_verified DESC LIMIT 1) AS b;0
20Request details SELECT cres.resource 'Resource ID', 'Resource Type', usreq.username 'User', req.comments 'Comments', req.created 'Date requested', req.reasonapproved 'Reason approved', CASE WHEN req.status = 0 THEN 'Pending' WHEN req.status = 1 THEN 'Approved' WHEN req.status = 2 THEN 'Declined' ELSE 'UNDEFINED' END 'Outcome', usapp.username 'Approved / Declined by' FROM request req JOIN collection_resource cres ON req.collection=cres.collection JOIN resource res ON cres.resource = res.ref JOIN resource_type typ ON res.resource_type = typ.ref JOIN user usreq ON req.user = usreq.ref LEFT OUTER JOIN user usapp ON req.approved_declined_by = usapp.ref WHERE req.created>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') AND req.created<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) ORDER BY req.created desc;0
21Searches with no results SELECT logged, `user`, search_string, resource_types, archive_states, result_count FROM search_log AS sl WHERE sl.result_count = 0 AND sl.logged >= date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') AND sl.logged <= adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'), 1) ORDER BY ref DESC;0
22Resource download detail (search results) SELECT AS 'Date / Time', concat(u.username,' (',u.fullname,' )') AS 'Downloaded By User', AS 'User Group', r.ref AS 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) AS 'Resource Title', AS 'Resource Type' FROM resource_log rl JOIN resource r ON r.ref = rl.resource LEFT OUTER JOIN user u ON rl.user = u.ref LEFT OUTER JOIN usergroup g ON u.usergroup = g.ref LEFT OUTER JOIN resource_type rt ON r.resource_type = rt.ref WHERE rl.type = 'd' AND >= date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') AND <= adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'), 1) AND r.ref IN [non_correlated_sql] ORDER BY;1
23Resource download summary (search results) SELECT r.ref AS 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) AS 'Title', count(*) AS 'Downloads' FROM resource_log rl JOIN resource r on rl.resource = r.ref WHERE rl.type = 'd' AND >= date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') AND <= adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'), 1) AND r.ref IN [non_correlated_sql] GROUP BY r.ref ORDER BY 'Downloads' DESC;1
24Resources created - with thumbnails (search results) SELECT r.ref AS 'thumbnail', AS 'Date / Time', concat(u.username,' (',u.fullname,' )') AS 'Created By User', AS 'User Group', r.ref AS 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) AS 'Resource Title' FROM resource_log AS rl JOIN resource AS r ON r.ref = rl.resource LEFT OUTER JOIN user AS u ON rl.user = u.ref LEFT OUTER JOIN usergroup AS g ON u.usergroup = g.ref WHERE rl.type = 'c' AND >= date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') AND <= adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'), 1) AND r.ref IN [non_correlated_sql] ORDER BY;1

Please see the schema overview for context. This document was last updated on the 17th of March 2025 at 20:35 (Europe/London time).