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E-mail a collection to users

- Attempt to resolve all users in the string $userlist to user references.
- Add $collection to these user's 'My Collections' page
- Send them an e-mail linking to this collection
- Handle multiple collections (comma separated list)


$colrefs mixed
$collectionname string
$fromusername string
$userlist string
$message string
$feedback string
$access integer -1
$expires string ""
$useremail string ""
$from_name string ""
$cc string ""
$themeshare boolean false
$themename string ""
$themeurlsuffix string ""
$list_recipients boolean false
$add_internal_access boolean false
$group string ""
$sharepwd string "": string { global $baseurl


include/collections_functions.php lines 1816 to 2093


function email_collection($colrefs$collectionname$fromusername$userlist$message$feedback$access = -1$expires ""$useremail ""$from_name ""$cc ""$themeshare false$themename ""$themeurlsuffix ""$list_recipients false$add_internal_access false$group ""$sharepwd ""): string
    if (
$useremail == "") {
$useremail $email_from;
    if (
$group == "") {
$group $usergroup;

    if (
trim($userlist) == "") {
$userlist resolve_userlist_groups($userlist);

    if (
strpos($userlist$lang["groupsmart"] . ": ") !== false) {
$groups_users resolve_userlist_groups_smart($userlisttrue);
        if (
$groups_users != '') {
            if (
$userlist != "") {
$userlist remove_groups_smart_from_userlist($userlist);
                if (
$userlist != "") {
$userlist .= ",";
$userlist .= $groups_users;

$ulist trim_array(explode(","$userlist));
$emails = array();
$key_required = array();
    if (
$feedback) {
$feedback 1;
    } else {
$feedback 0;

$reflist trim_array(explode(","$colrefs));
// Take out the FC category from the list as this is more of a dummy record rather than a collection we'll be giving
    // access to users. See generate_collection_access_key() when collection is a featured collection category.
$fc_category_ref = ($themeshare array_shift($reflist) : null);

$emails_keys resolve_user_emails($ulist);
    if (
=== count($emails_keys)) {

# Make an array of all emails, whether internal or external
$emails $emails_keys['emails'];
# Make a corresponding array stating whether keys are necessary for the links
$key_required $emails_keys['key_required'];

# Make an array of internal userids which are unexpired approved with valid emails
$internal_user_ids $emails_keys['refs'] ?? array();

    if (
count($internal_user_ids) > 0) {
# Delete any existing collection entries
ps_query("DELETE FROM user_collection WHERE collection IN (" ps_param_insert(count($reflist)) . ") 
                AND user IN (" 
ps_param_insert(count($internal_user_ids)) . ")"array_merge(ps_param_fill($reflist"i"), ps_param_fill($internal_user_ids"i")));

# Insert new user_collection row(s)
        #loop through the collections
for ($nx1 0$nx1 count($reflist); $nx1++) {
#loop through the users
for ($nx2 0$nx2 count($internal_user_ids); $nx2++) {
ps_query("INSERT INTO user_collection(collection,user,request_feedback) VALUES (?,?,?)", ["i",$reflist[$nx1],"i",$internal_user_ids[$nx2],"i",$feedback ]);
                if (
$add_internal_access) {
                    foreach (
get_collection_resources($reflist[$nx1]) as $resource) {
                        if (
get_edit_access($resource)) {
open_access_to_user($internal_user_ids[$nx2], $resource$expires);

#log this
clear_query_cache('collection_access' $internal_user_ids[$nx2]);
collection_log($reflist[$nx1], LOG_CODE_COLLECTION_SHARED_COLLECTION0ps_value("select username as value from user where ref = ?", array("i"$internal_user_ids[$nx2]), ""));

# Send an e-mail to each resolved email address

    # htmlbreak is for composing list
$htmlbreak "\r\n";
    if (
$use_phpmailer) {
$htmlbreak "<br/><br/>";
$htmlbreaksingle "<br/>";

    if (
$fromusername == "") {
$fromusername $applicationname;
// fromusername is used for describing the sender's name inside the email
if ($from_name == "") {
$from_name $applicationname;
// from_name is for the email headers, and needs to match the email address (app name or user name)

$templatevars['message'] = str_replace(array("\\n","\\r","\\"), array("\n","\r",""), $message);
    if (
trim($templatevars['message']) == "") {
$templatevars['message'] = $lang['nomessage'];
$message "lang_nomessage";

$templatevars['fromusername'] = $fromusername;
$templatevars['from_name'] = $from_name;

// Create notification message
$notifymessage     = new ResourceSpaceUserNotification();
    if (
count($reflist) > 1) {
$notifymessage->set_subject($applicationname ": ");
    } else {
$notifymessage->set_subject($applicationname ": " $collectionname);

    if (
$fromusername == "") {
$fromusername $applicationname;

$externalmessage str_replace('[applicationname]'$applicationname$lang["emailcollectionmessageexternal"]);
$internalmessage "lang_emailcollectionmessage";

$viewlinktext "lang_clicklinkviewcollection";
    if (
$themeshare) { // Change the text if sharing a theme category
$externalmessage    str_replace('[applicationname]'$applicationname$lang["emailthemecollectionmessageexternal"]);
$internalmessage    "lang_emailthememessage";
$viewlinktext       "lang_clicklinkviewcollections";

##  loop through recipients
for ($nx1 0$nx1 count($emails); $nx1++) {
## loop through collections
$list "";
$list2 "";
$origviewlinktext $viewlinktext// Save this text as we may change it for internal theme shares for this user
if ($themeshare && !$key_required[$nx1]) { # don't send a whole list of collections if internal, just send the theme category URL
$notifymessage->set_subject($applicationname ": " $themename);
$url $baseurl "/pages/collections_featured.php" $themeurlsuffix;
$viewlinktext "lang_clicklinkviewthemes";
$notifymessage->url $url;
$emailcollectionmessageexternal false;
            if (
$use_phpmailer) {
$link '<a href="' $url '">' $themename '</a>';
$list .= $htmlbreak $link;
// alternate list style
$list2 .= $htmlbreak $themename ' -' $htmlbreaksingle $url;
$templatevars['list2'] = $list2;
            } else {
$list .= $htmlbreak $url;
            for (
$nx2 0$nx2 count($reflist); $nx2++) {
#log this
collection_log($reflist[$nx2], LOG_CODE_COLLECTION_EMAILED_COLLECTION0$emails[$nx1]);
        } else {
// E-mail external share, generate the access key based on the FC category. Each sub-collection will have the same key.
if ($key_required[$nx1] && $themeshare && !is_null($fc_category_ref)) {
$k generate_collection_access_key($fc_category_ref$feedback$emails[$nx1], $access$expires$group$sharepwd$reflist);
$fc_key "&k={$k}";

            for (
$nx2 0$nx2 count($reflist); $nx2++) {
$key "";
$emailcollectionmessageexternal false;

# Do we need to add an external access key for this user (e-mail specified rather than username)?
if ($key_required[$nx1] && !$themeshare) {
$k generate_collection_access_key($reflist[$nx2], $feedback$emails[$nx1], $access$expires$group$sharepwd);
$key "&k=" $k;
$emailcollectionmessageexternal true;
// If FC category, the key is valid across all sub-featured collections. See generate_collection_access_key()
elseif ($key_required[$nx1] && $themeshare && !is_null($fc_category_ref)) {
$key $fc_key;
$emailcollectionmessageexternal true;
$url $baseurl .   "/?c=" $reflist[$nx2] . $key;
$collection = array();
$collection ps_query("SELECT name,savedsearch FROM collection WHERE ref = ?", ["i",$reflist[$nx2]]);
                if (
$collection[0]["name"] != "") {
$collection_name i18n_get_collection_name($collection[0]);
                } else {
$collection_name $reflist[$nx2];
                if (
$use_phpmailer) {
$link '<a href="' $url '">' escape($collection_name) . '</a>';
$list .= $htmlbreak $link;
// alternate list style
$list2 .= $htmlbreak $collection_name ' -' $htmlbreaksingle $url;
$templatevars['list2'] = $list2;
                } else {
$list .= $htmlbreak $collection_name $htmlbreak $url $htmlbreak;
#log this
collection_log($reflist[$nx2], LOG_CODE_COLLECTION_EMAILED_COLLECTION0$emails[$nx1]);
$templatevars['list'] = $list;
$templatevars['from_name'] = $from_name;
        if (isset(
$k)) {
            if (
$expires == "") {
$templatevars['expires_date'] = $lang["email_link_expires_never"];
$templatevars['expires_days'] = $lang["email_link_expires_never"];
            } else {
$day_count round((strtotime($expires) - strtotime('now')) / (60 60 24));
$templatevars['expires_date'] = $lang['email_link_expires_date'] . nicedate($expires);
$templatevars['expires_days'] = $lang['email_link_expires_days'] . $day_count;
                if (
$day_count 1) {
$templatevars['expires_days'] .= " " $lang['expire_days'] . ".";
                } else {
$templatevars['expires_days'] .= " " $lang['expire_day'] . ".";
        } else {
# Set empty expiration templatevars
$templatevars['expires_date'] = '';
$templatevars['expires_days'] = '';
$body "";
        if (
$emailcollectionmessageexternal) {
$template = ($themeshare) ? "emailthemeexternal" "emailcollectionexternal";
// External - send email
if (is_array($emails) && (count($emails) > 1) && $list_recipients === true) {
$body $lang["list-recipients"] . "\n" implode("\n"$emails) . "\n\n";
$templatevars['list-recipients'] = $lang["list-recipients"] . "\n" implode("\n"$emails) . "\n\n";
            if (
substr($viewlinktext05) == "lang_") {
$langkey substr($viewlinktext5);
                if (isset(
$lang[$langkey])) {
$viewlinktext $lang[$langkey];
$body .= $templatevars['fromusername'] . " " $externalmessage "\n\n" $templatevars['message'] . "\n\n" $viewlinktext "\n\n" $templatevars['list'];

$emailsubject $notifymessage->get_subject();
$send_result send_mail($emails[$nx1], $emailsubject$body$fromusername$useremail$template$templatevars$from_name$cc);
            if (
$send_result !== true) {
        } else {
$template = ($themeshare) ? "emailtheme" "emailcollection";
$viewlinktext $origviewlinktext;

    if (
count($internal_user_ids) > 0) {
// Internal share, send notifications
$notifymessage->append_text($templatevars['fromusername'] . "&nbsp;");
$notifymessage->append_text("<br/><br/>" $templatevars['message'] . "<br/><br/>");
$notifymessage->url $url;

hook("additional_email_collection""", array($colrefs,$collectionname,$fromusername,$userlist,$message,$feedback,$access,$expires,$useremail,$from_name,$cc,$themeshare,$themename,$themeurlsuffix,$template,$templatevars));

# Identify user accounts which have been skipped
$candidate_users ps_query("SELECT ref, username FROM user 
       WHERE username IN ("  
ps_param_insert(count($ulist)) . ")"ps_param_fill($ulist"s"));
$skipped_usernames = array();
    if (
count($candidate_users) != count($internal_user_ids)) {
        foreach (
$candidate_users as $candidate_user) {
            if (!
in_array($candidate_user['ref'], $internal_user_ids)) {
$skipped_usernames[] = $candidate_user['username'];

# Report skipped accounts
if (count($skipped_usernames) > 0) {
$lang['email_error_user_list_some_skipped'] . ' ' implode(', '$skipped_usernames);

# Return an empty string (all OK).
return "";

This article was last updated 17th March 2025 20:35 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 11th March 2025 11:35 Europe/London time.