Search results
Configuring category trees
The category tree field type is useful for selecting metadata tags from a nested tree, particularly where resource subjects follow a hierarchical classification, such as product taxonomy or projects within campaigns.
Table: dynamic_tree_node
The dynamic_tree_node table is a list of nodes used for category trees. It has four columns: ref, resource_type_field, parent, and name. The ref column is an auto-incrementing index, while the resource_type_field column refers to the resource_type_field table.
Developer reference for function migrate_category_tree_to_nodes()
Developer reference for function get_category_tree_fields()
Description Toggle category tree nodes' active state Parameters Column Type Default Description $rtf int Resource type field ID $node_refs: array null array_flip$node_refs; $node_refs list Return array<int, 0|1> Location include/node_functions.
Developer reference for function get_node_tree()
Developer reference for function get_tree_strings()
Developer reference for function get_featured_collection_category_branch_by_leaf()
Developer reference for function render_featured_collections_category_permissions()
Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 4684 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.
Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, you requested 5040 tokens (4016 in the messages, 1024 in the completion). Please reduce the length of the messages or completion.
The cattree_node_creator() function is a helper function used to build node entry arrays for ordering. It takes in several parameters, including the node ID, category tree field ID, node name, parent node ID, node order by, resource ID, and an array of child node IDs.
Developer reference for function get_tree_node_level()
Developer reference for function draw_tree_node_table()
Developer reference for function is_featured_collection_category()
Developer reference for function is_featured_collection_category_by_children()
Developer reference for function render_featured_collection_category_selector()
Description Check all comments that are children of the comment ref provided. If there is a branch made up entirely of hidden comments then remove the branch. Parameters Column Type Default Description $ref int Ref of the comment that is being deleted.
The cattree_node_flatten() function is a helper function that adds child nodes after each flattened parent node. It takes an array of nodes, each with a child node array, as a parameter and returns an array of nodes with child nodes flattened out after their respective parents.
Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 6337 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.
Metadata field types
This article provides a list of metadata field types that can be used to capture data in an appropriate form for communicating to users what it represents. The list includes text boxes for single-line, multi-line, large multi-line, and formatted text, as well as check box lists, drop-down lists, radio buttons, and date fields.
Fixed list metadata
Article in the ResourceSpace Knowledge Base explaining Concepts about Fixed List Metadata.
Searching in ResourceSpace
The ResourceSpace search feature is a powerful tool that allows users to quickly find the resources they need. Users can start with a broad search and then refine the results to find the most relevant content.
Advanced metadata field configuration
This page covers the advanced options for metadata field configuration including display templates, smart featured collections, display conditions, autocomplete options and additional settings for ExifTool and IPTC metadata.
CSV upload
The CSV upload plugin for ResourceSpace allows users to edit existing resource metadata and create new resources by uploading a CSV file. The plugin is recommended for administrators and users with elevated permissions due to the risk of inserting incorrect data into ResourceSpace.
The get_field_options function returns all the available tags or selectable options for a given field. The function takes two parameters: $ref, which is the ID or shortname of the field, and $nodeinfo, which provides extended field option information if set to TRUE.
StaticSync - keep your files in situ
StaticSync is a tool that allows users to keep their files in situ, meaning that they can remain in their existing folder structure. It is not intended to be used as a way to store resources externally to increase storage capability.
The article provides information on the set_node function, which is used to create a new node in ResourceSpace. The function requires the ID of the node to be updated, the ID of the related metadata field, and the name of the node.
Coding standards v2.0
The article provides coding standards for developers working on the ResourceSpace project. The standards cover various aspects of coding, including security, documentation, functionality, PHP version, MySQL strict mode, backward compatibility, file format, coding style, indentation, line length, control structures, function calls, function definitions, MySQL statements, readability of code blocks, returning early, and avoiding cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.
Fixed list fields
ResourceSpace has various metadata field types, including text boxes, check box lists, dropdown lists, date fields, category trees, and radio button lists. Some of these fields can have their options defined by an administrator of the system, and these fields are called fixed list fields.
OpenAI's GPT language model has been integrated into ResourceSpace, a digital asset management system, to automate metadata processing tasks. The plugin allows users to use GPT to populate metadata fields based on data stored in another field.
The Complete Guide to Metadata
Metadata is data that provides information about other data, without describing the content of that data. It is crucial for digital assets and is used to categorize and describe various types of files, such as documents, videos, and audio files.
The article discusses the function "toggle_active_state_for_nodes," available from version 10.4+ and requiring permission "k." It involves toggling nodes' active state, with a list of node IDs as input.
Featured & public collections
Featured Collections are a way to showcase the best and most in-demand content. They can contain a select number of resources and encourage users to browse content by directing them to relevant tags or ideas.
Collection options
There is a list of options available to you from the collection actions dropdown menu. This menu is present in the collection bar and from the "Manage My Collections" page, as well as on the search page when viewing resources in a collection.
Editing a collection
This article explains how to edit a collection in a resource management system. The edit screen provides several options, including customising the name of the collection, adding a description, and attaching tags to help find the collection of resources.
Creating featured collections
This article explains how to create a featured collection in ResourceSpace, which is a collection of resources that is highlighted on the platform's homepage. The process is similar to creating a public collection, but with an additional step to turn it into a featured collection.
User contributions
ResourceSpace allows for user contributions to be managed through user group upload permissions. Trusted uploaders, such as administrators, can add resources without review, while new users must upload their resources in a pending state for review by resource administrators.
Smart featured collections
Smart featured collections are an automated way of collating resources with a common theme.
Advanced workflow
workflow, process, publish, embargo, archive, review,state, status
Simple LDAP
The Simple LDAP plugin enables consistent sign-on (CSO) for ResourceSpace users, allowing them to log in using the same credentials they use to log in to their organisation's network. The plugin has been tested with Microsoft Active Directory and Oracle Directory servers.
Google Vision API
The Google Vision API plugin sends images to Google's Cloud Vision API on upload and sets appropriate metadata in pre-configured fields based on what has been recognised in the image. The plugin can be found under the 'Asset processing' category.
All user permissions
ResourceSpace is a digital asset management system that allows users to control which resources other users can see and how they can interact with them. The system offers a range of permission options, including search, metadata fields, resource types, resource creation, featured collections, restrictive permissions, and administration.
Browse bar
ResourceSpace has introduced a browse bar to help users find resources more easily. The bar is a collapsible side tab available from all pages, offering the options to search by resource type, tag, collection or workflow state.
Client side API calls
The article discusses the use of the new api() JavaScript function to make calls to the ResourceSpace API using native browser authentication. Instead of creating new AJAX calls to custom endpoints, the api() function is recommended.
The System Configuration page
The System Configuration Page is a feature in Moodle that can be accessed via the administration menu System category. It allows users to configure many system-wide properties, such as the default system language, timezone, and the appearance of the system.
I'm receiving too many notifications - help!
The article provides instructions on how to control and manage notifications in a system. It explains that notifications can be customized through the personal menu and preferences settings. Users can enable or disable options for receiving notifications via emails, in-system messages, and in-system actions.
The "get_featured_collections" function in ResourceSpace allows users to retrieve featured collections (categories) from version 10.3 onwards. The function requires the "parent" parameter, which is the reference of the featured collection's parent.
Supported file formats
Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 16385 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 19253 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.
Table: collection
This article provides a table that outlines the structure of a collection in ResourceSpace, which is a group of resources. The table includes columns such as ref, name, user, created, public, theme, theme2, theme3, allow_changes, cant_delete, keywords, savedsearch, home_page_publish, home_page_text, home_page_image, session_id, description, type, parent, thumbnail_selection_method, bg_img_resource_ref, and order_by.
Table: node
Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 10911 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.
Developer reference for function save_collection()
Developer reference for function get_smart_themes_nodes()
Developer reference for function migrate_resource_type_field_check()
Developer reference for function migrate_filter()
Developer reference for function set_node()
Developer reference for function get_nodes()
Developer reference for function render_new_node_record()
Developer reference for function copy_resource_type_field_nodes()
Developer reference for function render_search_field()
Developer reference for function display_field()
Developer reference for function check_display_condition()
Developer reference for function display_field_data()
Developer reference for function save_resource_data()
Developer reference for function save_resource_data_multi()
Developer reference for function update_field()
Developer reference for function get_resource_field_data()
Developer reference for function get_resource_field_data_batch()
Developer reference for function copy_locked_fields()
Developer reference for function get_field_options()
Developer reference for function get_data_by_field()
Developer reference for function update_search_from_request()
Developer reference for function get_featured_collections()
Description updates the value of fieldx field further to a metadata field value update Parameters Column Type Default Description $metadata_field_ref: int get_resource_table_joins $metadata_field_ref integer - metadata field ref Location include/metadata_functions.
Description Set up external upload share "collection" - (int) collection ID "user" - (int) user ID of share creator "usergroup" - (int) usergroup ID used for share Parameters Column Type Default Description $key string access key $shareopts array array Array of share options Return void Location include/collections_functions.
Description Migrate fixed list field data to text field data for a given resource reference. Useful when changing resource type field from a data type that can contain multiple values such as a dynamic keywords field.
Description Save resource type field - used on pages/admin/admin_resource_type_field_edit.php Parameters Column Type Default Description $ref int Field ID $columns array Array of column data bool $postdata: $migrate_data $onload_message $lang true; []; foreach$resource_types as $resource_type true false $postdata mixed POST'd data Return bool * Location include/config_functions.
Parameters Column Type Default Description $propertyname string $propertytitle string $helptext string $type $currentvalue $fieldtype int $system_date_field bool $resource_type_array; $lang $baseurl_short $FIXED_LIST_FIELD_TYPES $daterange_edtf_support $allfields $newfield $resource_type_array $existingrestypes $regexp_slash_replace Location include/render_functions.
Description Toggle nodes' active state Parameters Column Type Default Description $refs: array 'ref' 'asc' '' [FIELD_TYPE_CATEGORY_TREE] 'ref'; $refs list Node IDs Return array<int, 0|1> Location include/node_functions.
Parameters Column Type Default Description { $nodes:string ""; if count$nodes > 0 Location include/render_functions.
Developer reference for function get_collection()
Developer reference for function add_resource_to_collection()
Developer reference for function delete_collection()
Developer reference for function search_public_collections()
Developer reference for function get_max_theme_levels()
Developer reference for function get_theme_headers()
Developer reference for function get_themes()
Developer reference for function email_collection()
Developer reference for function generate_collection_access_key()
Developer reference for function add_saved_search_items()
Developer reference for function get_theme_image()
Developer reference for function collection_set_themes()
Developer reference for function compile_collection_actions()
Developer reference for function new_featured_collection_form()
Developer reference for function comments_submit()
Developer reference for function get_root_node_by_leaf()
Developer reference for function get_node_order_by()
Developer reference for function get_parent_nodes()
Developer reference for function get_node_elements()
Developer reference for function purge_plugin_config()
Developer reference for function get_plugin_yaml()
Developer reference for function render_actions()
Developer reference for function render_browse_bar()
Developer reference for function render_selected_collection_actions()
Developer reference for function get_themes_by_resource()
Developer reference for function compile_search_actions()
Developer reference for function getThemePathPerms()
Developer reference for function check_access_key_collection()
Developer reference for function get_featured_collection_resources()
Developer reference for function get_featured_collection_categ_sub_fcs()
Developer reference for function featured_collection_check_access_control()
Developer reference for function get_featured_collection_categories()
Developer reference for function process_posted_featured_collection_categories()
Developer reference for function allow_featured_collection_share()
Developer reference for function filter_featured_collections_by_root()
Developer reference for function get_featured_collections_by_resources()
Developer reference for function can_delete_featured_collection()
Developer reference for function render_featured_collections()
Developer reference for function order_featured_collections()
Developer reference for function allow_upload_to_collection()
Developer reference for function compute_featured_collections_acess_control()
Developer reference for function permission_j()
Developer reference for function permission_negative_j()
Developer reference for function compute_node_branch_path()
Description Generates OpenStreetMap basemaps for use in a Leaflet map. This function defines various tile layers from OpenStreetMap and related providers, setting properties such as caching, retina display support, maximum zoom levels, and attribution for each layer.
Description Adds map providers for Leaflet maps. This function generates a JavaScript snippet that defines various tile layer providers for use in Leaflet maps. It supports OpenStreetMap and ESRI basemaps, as well as custom providers defined in the global variable `$geo_leaflet_sources`.
Description Add resource(s) $resources to collection $collection Parameters Column Type Default Description $collection mixed $resources mixed '' $search '' $selected false Return boolean | string Location include/collections_functions.
Description collection_remove_resources Parameters Column Type Default Description $collection mixed $resources mixed '' $removeall mixed false $selected false Return boolean | string Location include/collections_functions.
Description Return a single value from a database query, or the default if no rows NOTE: The value returned must have the column name aliased to 'value' Parameters Column Type Default Description $query string SQL query $parameters array SQL parameters with types, as for ps_query() $default mixed Default value to return if no rows returned $cache string "" Cache category (optional) Return string This article was last updated 11th February 2025 18:35 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 21st January 2025 15:20 Europe/London time.
Description Like ps_value() but returns an array of all values found NOTE: The value returned must have the column name aliased to 'value' Parameters Column Type Default Description $query string SQL query $parameters array array SQL parameters with types, as for ps_query() $cache string "" Cache category (optional) Return array This article was last updated 11th February 2025 18:35 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 21st January 2025 15:20 Europe/London time.
Description Find the root of a comment tree that the ref provided is a part of Parameters Column Type Default Description $ref int ref of a comment Return int|null ref of the root comment or null if the comment tree has been completely removed / the comment being checked has already been deleted.
The get_node_strings() function is a PHP function that returns an array of strings representing the full paths to each tree node passed. The function takes three parameters: $resource_nodes, $allnodes, and $translate.
The function `data_joins_field_value_translate_and_csv()` is used to convert `$data_joins` value to a user-friendly version. The text value is split by the configured separator and all parts are translated.
Description Build a row consisting of all parents of a given leaf node Example: 1 2 2.3 2.7 2.8.4 2.8.5 2.8.6 2.9 3 Passing in node 5 will return nodes 8,2 in one row Parameters Column Type Default Description $ref integer Node ID of tree leaf $level integer Node depth level (as returned by get_tree_node_level()) Return integer|boolean Location include/node_functions.
Description Return a row consisting of all ancestor nodes of a given node Example: 1 2 2.3 2.7 2.8.4 2.8.5 2.8.6 2.9 3 Passing in node 5 will return nodes 8,2 in one row Parameters Column Type Default Description $ref integer A tree node $level integer Node depth level (as returned by get_tree_node_level()) Return array|boolean Location include/node_functions.
Description Re-order all featured collections at a particular tree depth. Parameters Column Type Default Description $parent: ?int ['i' $sql_where_parent->parameters c.
Description Generates ESRI basemaps for use in a Leaflet map. This function defines various tile layers from ESRI, setting properties such as caching, retina display support, maximum zoom levels, and attribution for each layer.