Search results
2. Uploading and editing
We can simply drag and drop the files or an entire folder directly from our computer on to the upload queue.
Uploading files into ResourceSpace is a very simple process, however it is at this stage that you will be adding the metadata that ensures your resources can found and used effectively. It is key that you put as much relevant metadata into the resource fields as possible now to make your contributions as valuable as they can be.
Resources slow to create previews
The article provides solutions to two common issues that can arise when creating previews for videos. The first issue is that preview creation can take too long, causing the system to time out. To solve this, the article suggests disabling automatic preview creation upon upload and setting up offline preview creation using a crontab entry or scheduled task.
The article provides a troubleshooting guide for common issues encountered while using ResourceSpace. The guide suggests visiting the Installation Check page to resolve any error messages, checking server logs to resolve error code 500, and ensuring the latest version of ResourceSpace is being used by running the command 'svn update' in the web root.
All user permissions
ResourceSpace is a digital asset management system that allows users to control which resources other users can see and how they can interact with them. The system offers a range of permission options, including search, metadata fields, resource types, resource creation, featured collections, restrictive permissions, and administration.
Upload here
ResourceSpace has introduced a new feature called "Upload here" that helps users create new resources based on a recent advanced search. The feature directs users to the upload page where the options will have been automatically selected, meaning they can easily add more resources that this metadata set describes.
Meta append
The Meta Append plugin allows users to add a timestamp and daily upload number to each resource they contribute. The plugin automatically applies the user-defined timestamp and upload number to the selected field, which can be configured in the plugin settings.
1. Finding your way around
An overview of the ResourceSpace user interface.
ResourceSpace Plugins
Explore the range of plugins that are available to expand ResourceSpace's base functionality, including integrations with third party software and systems.
Extracted text
ResourceSpace, a digital asset management software, can extract text from document files and use it to populate metadata fields. This feature enables users to search for resource contents within the system and by applied metadata tags.
Metadata templates
Metadata templates are a useful tool for saving time and ensuring consistency when uploading resources with common metadata sets. A metadata template is a data-only resource that inherits all global fields and resource type-specific fields, meaning that each template may contain a complete set of values for every field within ResourceSpace.
Sharing upload links
ResourceSpace has introduced a new feature that allows users to share upload links externally. This feature enables external media creators to upload files into ResourceSpace without requiring an account.
Context help links
Context Help links can be added to pages to link to a relevant Knowledge Base page. These links open Knowledge Base in a modal or new page and are enabled by default on a ResourceSpace system but can be disabled by setting $contextual_help_links=false.
User preferences
The article provides instructions on how to access user preferences on a website. Users can click on the user profile icon at the top right of the screen and select "Preferences" to make changes to the functionality and interface available to them.
Automatic alternative video files
ResourceSpace can be configured to automatically generate a video file in a different size or format from the uploaded original. This can be useful where a smaller size is required for uploading to the web.
The "upload_multipart" function allows users to upload files using HTTP multipart to an existing resource. This function is available from version 10.2+ of the software. The function requires several variables to be provided, including the ID of the resource, a boolean value to indicate whether to process embedded metadata, a boolean value to indicate whether to re-process the existing file, and the file to be uploaded.
The "get_resource_type_fields" function allows users to retrieve metadata field information for all matching fields. This function is available from version 10.3+ and requires permission "a". Users can filter the results by resource type, fuzzy searching, and field type.
A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Curation: Tools and Techniques
Explore digital curation: key tools and techniques for preserving significant cultural assets.
The Complete Guide to Metadata
Metadata is data that provides information about other data, without describing the content of that data. It is crucial for digital assets and is used to categorize and describe various types of files, such as documents, videos, and audio files.
Configuring image alternatives
The article discusses configuring image alternatives using the "$image_alternatives" configuration option, similar to video file alternatives. This setting controls the options for ImageMagick utility to create alternative image formats/sizes.
Metadata report
The article discusses the importance of metadata in ResourceSpace for efficient resource management. It highlights the use of the metadata report to review embedded metadata in resources and map them into ResourceSpace metadata templates.
Lockable metadata
The article discusses the use of lockable metadata fields to speed up the process of refining metadata after uploading new resources. The feature is intended for use when the default upload sequence is set to 'Upload first, then set metadata'.
Alternative files
Alternative files are a feature in ResourceSpace that allows users to store multiple versions of a resource together with a single set of metadata. This is useful when there are different variations of a resource that need to be easily accessible from a single point.
Is it the same process to make a batch upload as it is to add a single resource?
The article explains that the process for uploading resources in batches is the same as uploading them individually. Users can click on the "Upload" button to start uploading resources. Additionally, users have the option to upload one or more resources directly into a collection by selecting the collection in the lightbox area and choosing "Upload to this collection" from the Actions menu.
Welcome to ResourceSpace
The ResourceSpace Knowledge Base provides a library of guides and information to help individuals and businesses with their Digital Asset Management System.
Exiftool is a third-party tool that allows for the extraction of embedded data within a file and automatically adds it to the resource metadata upon upload. Administrators can configure the fields where the extracted data is placed, allowing for the inclusion of any metadata stored within the file.
Searching in ResourceSpace
The ResourceSpace search feature is a powerful tool that allows users to quickly find the resources they need. Users can start with a broad search and then refine the results to find the most relevant content.
Resource tools
The article discusses the various resource tools available in the resource downloads area of the resource view page. These tools allow users to download, view, and request resource files, as well as perform actions such as adding to a collection or sharing.
Editing resource previews
Resource previews are an important aspect of ResourceSpace as they are the first contact users have with resources and help them decide which assets to use. If previews are missing, they should be remedied after upload.
Creating collections
The article explains how to create collections in ResourceSpace, a digital asset management system. Collections can be created in three ways: when uploading resources, from the collection bar, or from the "manage my collections" section.
Collection options
There is a list of options available to you from the collection actions dropdown menu. This menu is present in the collection bar and from the "Manage My Collections" page, as well as on the search page when viewing resources in a collection.
Batch replace
ResourceSpace has a batch replace functionality that allows users to update multiple resources at once. This feature is useful for replacing original files and regenerating previews of any number of resources.
Managing metadata
The article discusses the importance of managing metadata in a system to make searching for resources faster, easier and more intuitive. The article suggests that metadata should be descriptive, clear and complete to ensure that users can search effectively and get the best out of using the system.
Advanced metadata field configuration
This page covers the advanced options for metadata field configuration including display templates, smart featured collections, display conditions, autocomplete options and additional settings for ExifTool and IPTC metadata.
Basic metadata field configuration
This article provides an overview of the basic options for metadata field configuration in ResourceSpace. The article covers the following options: Enabled, Required, Index, Display full width on view page, Display field, Enable advanced search, Enable simple search, May contain personal data, Hide when uploading, and Hide when restricted.
StaticSync - keep your files in situ
StaticSync is a tool that allows users to keep their files in situ, meaning that they can remain in their existing folder structure. It is not intended to be used as a way to store resources externally to increase storage capability.
Configuring php.ini
This article provides guidance on how to configure the php.ini file to handle larger files. The php.ini file location can be found on the PHP Info page in the row "Loaded Configuration File", available by running the function phpinfo() on an empty PHP page.
CSV upload
The CSV upload plugin for ResourceSpace allows users to edit existing resource metadata and create new resources by uploading a CSV file. The plugin is recommended for administrators and users with elevated permissions due to the risk of inserting incorrect data into ResourceSpace.
Customising the header image
The article provides a simple guide on how to customize the header image of an installation. Users can access the option to replace the header image by navigating to the "System Configuration" option under the "System" menu on the admin page.
Adding resources to a collection
This article explains the different ways to add resources to a collection in a learning management system. Resources can be added to multiple collections at any given time. The first way to add resources is during upload, where the resources can be added to an existing or new collection.
Table: user
The "user" table in ResourceSpace stores all user information, including their username, password, full name, email address, user group, and last activity date. It also includes information on whether the user is currently logged in, their browser user agent string, and their IP address.
Table: resource_type_field
Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 10794 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.
VM2RS (Vimeo embed)
The VM2RS plugin is a Vimeo to ResourceSpace plugin that allows users to embed Vimeo videos on the Resource view page. Users can enter the ID of a metadata field that stores the URL of the Vimeo video on the options page for the plugin.
Adobe Creative Cloud integration (LinkrUI)
LinkrUI for Adobe is a Connector plugin that integrates ResourceSpace with Adobe software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, and After Effects. This integration allows users to easily search, open, and place assets stored in ResourceSpace directly into their Adobe applications.
YT2RS (Youtube embed)
The Youtube to ResourceSpace plugin allows users to embed a YouTube video into the Resource view page. Users can enter the ID of a metadata field that stores the URL of the Youtube video on the options page for the plugin.
Description Get the definitions for resource_type_field columns, including properties and display configurations. Parameters This function accepts no parameters. Return array An associative array of resource type field column definitions.
The check_upload_terms() function is used to verify if the terms have been accepted for a given upload. The terms only need to be accepted when uploading through an upload share link, and if so, the accepted terms are stored in $_COOKIE["acceptedterms"].
Developer reference for function display_rsc_upload()
Developer reference for function config_file_input()
Developer reference for function config_add_file_input()
Developer reference for function replace_resource_file()
Developer reference for function copy_resource()
Developer reference for function save_resource_data()
Developer reference for function is_field_displayed()