Deleting resources

There are two ways to delete resources within ResourceSpace:

Delete individually
  1. Find the resource you wish to delete.
  2. Under Resource tools, click Delete
  3. Depending on system configuration, you may then have to do one of the following:
    • Confirm your deletion via a pop-up window confirmation
    • Enter your password on the next page to confirm deletion
Batch delete

    To delete multiple resources using a collection:

  1. Add the resources you wish to delete to a collection. See Adding to collection
  2. From the 'Actions' drop down in your collection bar, select "Delete all resources". This will delete the resources but not the collection.
  3. You can review all deleted resources via the 'Workflow' tab in the 'Browse' bar on the left - just click 'Deleted'. Otherwise you can run an advanced search and select 'Deleted' in the 'Status' section to specifically search the deleted state.
  4. To delete resources permanently, see Deleted resources

    To delete multiple resources by changing the resource status:

  1. From a set of search results you can select resources individually by clicking the checkbox, or select a batch by checking the first one, holding down the Shift button, and then checking the last one.
  2. Click 'Edit selected'
  3. You can review all deleted resources via the 'Workflow' tab in the 'Browse' bar on the left - just click 'Deleted'. Otherwise you can run an advanced search and select 'Deleted' in the 'Status' section to specifically search the deleted state.
  4. From the edit page, scroll down to 'Status and relationships' and click on 'Status'
  5. Choose 'Deleted' from the dropdown, and click 'Save'.
  6. You can use the same process for resources in a collection by expanding the 'Actions' drop down and selecting 'Edit all resources'.