User options
Working with resources
- Resource tools
- Alternative files
- Editing resources
- Editing multiple resources
- Editing resource previews
- Resource status & access
- Sharing resources
- Deleting resources
- Related resources
- Version control
- Facial recognition
- Lockable metadata
- Geolocation
- CSV export
- Metadata report
- Resource commenting
- User rating of resources
- Usage history
- Resource locking
- Downloading multiple resources
- Image preview zoom
- Subtitles for Video Preview
Working with collections
Advanced user guides
Homepage dash
Messages, emails and actions
Emails are used in ResourceSpace to notify users of ResourceSpace activity that they may be interested in, such as resources submitted for review, user account requests or resource download requests. By default most email notifications have now been replaced by system messages, however you can still opt to receive emails by modifying your user preferences.
Changing your email preferences
Under your user preferences area you are able to configure your account to decide which emails you wish to receive. Please note that your ResourceSpace account must have a valid email address set to be able to see these options.
Send me emails instead of system notifications where possible | You may want to enable this if you work on ResourceSpace intermittently but need to receive immediate notifications of relevant activity |
Send me emails in addition to system notifications | Both an email AND a system message will be sent whenever possible |
CC me when sending resources and collections | Enabling this option will send you a copy of any emails sent to users you share resources or collections with |
Send me a daily email with all unread notifications from the last 24 hours | This will send you a daily email digest of all unread messages. Useful if you want to receive fewer emails but still need to be aware of activity |
Send me a daily email with all unread notifications if not logged on for more than X days | This will send you an email digest if you have not logged on to ResourceSpace for X days. The number of days is set by your system administrator |
Mark messages as read once I have been sent the summary email | This will mark all unread messages as read once the digest email has been sent. You may wish to disable this for new ResourceSpace systems until you have confirmed that emails from the system are getting through |