User options
Working with resources
- Resource tools
- Alternative files
- Editing resources
- Editing multiple resources
- Editing resource previews
- Resource status & access
- Sharing resources
- Deleting resources
- Related resources
- Version control
- Facial recognition
- Lockable metadata
- Geolocation
- CSV export
- Metadata report
- Resource commenting
- User rating of resources
- Usage history
- Resource locking
- Downloading multiple resources
- Image preview zoom
- Subtitles for Video Preview
Working with collections
Advanced user guides
Homepage dash
Messages, emails and actions
Ordering featured collections
Users can order featured collections by drag & drop. The ability to re-order can only be done at one level at a time.
If no order by has been defined (all featured collections have the order unset - zero), then categories are displayed first and then the sorting is done based on collection name. Sorting by name will also apply the legacy behaviour which allowed using stars (ie. *) to indicate the order.
Please note the following:
- smart featured collections can't be ordered or be part of the general order. They'll always be at the end of the list
- dragging & dropping only re-orders featured collections (at a particular depth)