User options
Working with resources
- Resource tools
- Alternative files
- Editing resources
- Editing multiple resources
- Editing resource previews
- Resource status & access
- Sharing resources
- Deleting resources
- Related resources
- Version control
- Facial recognition
- Lockable metadata
- Geolocation
- CSV export
- Metadata report
- Resource commenting
- User rating of resources
- Usage history
- Resource locking
- Downloading multiple resources
- Image preview zoom
- Subtitles for Video Preview
Working with collections
Advanced user guides
Homepage dash
Messages, emails and actions
Excluding terms from your search
Sometimes users may want to exclude specific terms from a search.
You can do this by entering the search term into the simple search bar, followed by a space, followed by a minus symbol and the term you'd like to exclude.
For example 'Marketing -advertising' (without the quotation marks).
This will return all resources tagged with 'marketing' that aren't tagged with 'advertising'.